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[音樂] [求] 久保田利伸 'la la la love song' (悠長假期主題曲)

本帖最後由 andyfungfung 於 2017-3-3 09:31 AM 編輯

[求] 久保田利伸 'la la la love song' (悠長假期主題曲) (唔要live版本)
希望各位能幫忙, 因為係妹妹結婚所用, 感激各位多多幫忙
本帖最後由 yanggor1983 於 2017-3-4 08:49 AM 編輯

https://drive.google.com/drive/f ... duDgWTdCbmUtYms1YTQ

Song #1 should be the version that you want. (right click => Download, Voila!)
Congrats about your sister's wedding! What a sweet brother!

(FYI, other folders in this google doc have other songs from Long Vacation OST.)


  • devil2007

Many Thx
Thank you so much for sharing