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[Windows] IE比人lock左password, 有咩方法可以破左佢?

附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
本帖最後由 digitalsony 於 2011-3-12 07:15 PM 編輯

install the firefox in USB and also add flash plugin ...
almost all web site cant be visit and face book also...
the great thing is...you got your own bookmark!!

Google "Portable Firefox" cheers

or add a new user acc#
一定要用IE的話 唯有入安全模式(admin a/c)睇下可唔可以取消呢個密碼(即係解除對yahoo既封鎖)
create a new windows profile......
thank you
1# mischief

1 Go to start, run, type "regedit" and press "OK".
2 Expand the folders down the left, in this order.
3 On the right you will see the word "Key" - Click it once, then press "del" or right click, and select delete.
4 Close the registry editor.
5 Go to start, run, type "explorer" and press "OK".
6 Navigate to C:\Windows\System and delete "ratings.pol"