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7 }: i; b! p1 d5 F这样的话马来西亚就没有法律了,上星期法庭判尼查是合法大臣给国阵上诉就马上判赞比里为合法大臣这是什么法律.
C h O o N
the court judge by advantage to barisan nasional.os.tvboxnow.com! ]9 ]7 i' T) J0 _
the law is to protect BN.
8 h2 l2 ~6 g: ?* lISA is to 'protect' who anti-BN.
法庭是一个大功无私,公正廉明的地方,暂时在马来西亚是不可能的,承审法官都是受薪于今政府,能不听话吗? 如果可以把案件移交开封府审理, 那结果会不会是一样的呢? 啊弥托佛 alhamdulilah   haliluya
他奶奶这个政府真是教坏小孩..........以后的下一代不知会变成 如何?????????
Although I do not know law, but for the look of it, I think that our country juridical had no stand of it's own as decision can be overwritten if it is no in the favour of the government.