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4 j+ P5 |& v, \: I2 Stvb now,tvbnow,bttvb            最近我愛上了一個女仔,但喺我已經追佐距半年了.os.tvboxnow.com" n  p- V+ ?/ f# I5 ~
$ V, d- P. t( {& R0 W                           距成日都話自己5想拍拖.喺5喺證明距5中意我呢?
" ~! s' Q2 m0 R8 k1 m, c* g1 aos.tvboxnow.com                                我應5應該離開距呢?但喺我驚離開佐距?我會好傷心!
5 ?3 g8 ?. y  Q1 @& [; ?2 |6 T) T- vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb                                       希望大家可以教下我點做好!
well, i think she don't have feeling for you, or maybe you are not suitable for her that's why she not accepted you. you better don't give yourself too much hope. and i think is too fast for you to said ' love ' this word, you only know her half a year.
+ J! m; g. |; s3 P9 G4 \! q8 r5 ?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
  f+ V1 D3 \, \2 @! K# ios.tvboxnow.com我觉得离开她一段距离,如果她真的对你有feel,那么她一定会打电话告诉你的。