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Problems of Forensic Heroes 3

本帖最後由 ru40342 於 2011-10-27 01:27 AM 編輯 TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 E/ ^) i7 I$ [8 Q
os.tvboxnow.com/ _: Q: G/ |$ O6 u  Y
Problem #1: Acting
0 t7 I6 A- s, e# z+ {  l+ h( v, Q" KTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb5 N) i1 T; N# G! N2 ^# [' X4 d. h; B
All the actors are much worse compared to previous two.歐陽震華 >黎耀祥, 佘詩曼&蒙嘉慧 >徐子珊,林文龍 > 張可頤, 曹永廉>吳卓羲 etc. In Forensic Heroes 3, when 黎耀祥, 張可頤 etc. talking and explaining, they sound more like memorizing something than thinking something. Compared to 歐陽震華 & 林文龍, not even close. 公仔箱論壇; K7 b* B$ g, L8 G* |/ _' V2 a& \

. a" s: \# c$ W  ?9 _1 E3 I4 zProblem #2: Script and Dialog公仔箱論壇  n6 |- q; h! ^" w7 c
os.tvboxnow.com/ g" w/ \% R" I% U5 ?
Too much and not logic sometimes. Long and boring dialog yet not as convincing as previous 2. Furthermore, some characters are so stupid / unprofessional and talk to each about cases that they shouldn't. example: 黎耀祥 talked to his wife 胡定欣 in episode 5 about 天眼少女 case. Also, 張可頤 talked to 胡定欣 in the same case. this is unprofessional as they should not talk about it since they are on opposite side. Besides, in episode 10 (near the beginning), when 張可頤 wanna perform post mortem on Apple (dead), she talks to her dead body and say something like "tell me the truth and i will help u". Ridiculous and crazy.
5 G5 d& L# {. \! d' G公仔箱論壇
- Z( S/ `) i' [( }" wos.tvboxnow.comProblem #3: Directing
. T$ l/ [0 P3 w  g- Z0 R+ T1 h9 h! Z" `$ F2 f3 S
Bad directing. Directors mixed up the works of polices, forensic staffs and doctors. 張可頤 suppose to be a doctor / forensic pathologist but a lot of times you suddenly became forensic staffs. Example in episode 9 (near the end): the case of wilson yu in the hotel killing Apple. Pro Sir 黎耀祥 was there and since he is the head of forensic staffs, he should be the one analyzing the crime scene yet 張可頤 is the one talking. Funniest thing is that all polices ie 徐子珊&吳卓羲 just stand there and listen without doing anything.
0 O3 z# w9 e4 W. W
1 P3 {0 g: D. i. w3 X6 Sos.tvboxnow.comProblem #4: Story and cases.
% ^! w  P, Z. K' I8 {9 B/ h, `  K7 ?! s% Y7 y5 o
The cases in FH3 is so stupid I laugh everything I watch. Up to episode 13, besides case 1 (豪門婚宴槍戰案), all cases are rubbish and stupid. 天眼少女 is so stupid but the most stupid is 逆權侵佔兇殺. Do they think before writing script of such stupid cases or they just wanna rush it to release before 萬千星輝頒獎典禮? Furthermore, Story is weak in FH3. Characters are stupid, relationship among them are stupid. In the first two, we care about 歐陽震華 & 蒙嘉慧, 林文龍/鄭嘉穎 & 佘詩曼, even 曹永廉 & 郭少芸 but in FH3, we don't care about 黎耀祥 & 胡定欣, 徐子珊 & 吳卓羲, 張可頤 & 陳展鵬 (WTH).: b: `0 P9 T# X' B* e
+ {4 Y9 b7 e' ?3 k
Overall, I am disappointed by FH3 since the previous 2 were (IMO) among the best recent drama from TVB. It feels rushed and unfinished. Changing all the actors and actress make it 1000000000% worse. I don't think I will finish watching this drama.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 {9 N* F4 m. q

: X, Y* r  J! d% L9 v7 W  q: C* otvb now,tvbnow,bttvbSo what's your opinion on 法證先鋒III?


  • devil2007



  • devil2007

6 W, {. {  M2 I( [公仔箱論壇之前两部的法证先锋,相比之下,这部明显差很多...
* {6 |& i! J. c4 \  S" TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。这部戏少了原来的味道,没有之前法证先锋的那种专业精神...
3 ]9 @- P) n4 R6 e; _$ ~人物的感情也没有那么细腻....tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb' Q! z% y0 I) m5 y9 j0 k: Y
故事情节相比起来,很空洞,不吸引..., G) b. O: N; k1 b. m/ Y, |! l
. g2 _  z3 h3 b8 K3 m2 `" v! ^公仔箱論壇演技当然也不好说,因为每位演员都自己的风格...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 m  j# f1 G5 `: f1 W* x
不过,不管怎样,如果不要拿之前的来比较,也是值得看的一部戏... =)


  • devil2007

$ T7 ?" y# r% v# X8 ?$ J& Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb之前两部的法证先锋,相比之下,这部明显差很多...
+ z% G( p  ~1 s, u& A1 O  M8 P& ztvb now,tvbnow,bttvb这部戏少了原来的味道,没有之前法证先锋的那种专业精神...公仔箱論壇7 n" F+ ?- h7 ~
人物的感情也没有那么细腻....8 c+ t; f, b( u4 C
' x* A( U( G' T9 P公仔箱論壇感 ...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  v# K: J* K1 p1 K- l3 z
xxxevolutionxxx 發表於 2011-10-27 05:25 PM
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。* q1 ?* M: [5 t$ y; \

$ I0 z7 ^8 j! R1 uTotally agree. If the previous two did not exist, then FH3 is not a terrible drama and worth a watch but since the previous two did exist, this one is rubbish
pull away the storyline .... tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# k+ ~4 \2 h+ f6 f+ P% t- y
forensic team works is more like CSI-Las Vegas, CSI Miami, or CSI NY ... quite out from original roles when they involved in investigation.
# t0 f$ W0 T- c  g8 P公仔箱論壇
3 ?% H4 q: e  w- Z, P# H$ R9 T- o公仔箱論壇The Dr. Chung ... give the character benefits of doubts ... mayb she is a person with full of curiosity ...
法證, 法醫去查案應該是從第一輯就已經開始了. 真奇怪為甚麼現在的觀眾好像突然才發覺法醫, 法證去查案.
; g( e9 H- A6 d5 ]; ~: Fos.tvboxnow.com從第一集開始, Pro Sir 跟 Dr Chung 都只對警察提供意見, 縮小警察搜查範圍, 還真不見到他們學警察那樣去查案. 法醫的工作不是只是解剖屍體,還包括通過對犯罪現場取證進行分析並運用犯罪行為心理學知識對案情進行科學調查。他們也是需要查案的.只是,他們不需要抓賊罷了!% W. }  d( K2 O1 V( m+ N
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。. T% ?3 }: {' j
Dr. Koo 和 Dr. Chung 一樣, 都有特殊的嗜好. 一個是兼任小說家, 一個好奇心很旺盛, 喜歡多管閒事. 誰規定法醫就要死板板的呢? 會跟死屍說話有甚麼奇怪呢? 每個人都有不同的工作的習慣. 很多人就是被自己所想像的某類人特有的形象鎖死了. 我以前就遇到一個牙醫, 一面替我洗牙/補牙, 一面聽收音機, 還跟護士聊收音機所講的東西, 還會跟著收音機唱歌. 雖然如此, 他卻是我遇過技術數一數二的牙醫.    
, I3 M  p2 C( r9 \3 S$ c; V
2 p& O, }+ c- @$ T# t8 Gos.tvboxnow.com唯一不好的就是描寫警察的著墨不多, 所以令人有錯覺是法證法醫去查案.
9 w' z" j' x- {: `' V$ X7 Z/ C2 u) ]TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。前兩輯描寫蒙嘉慧跟佘詩曼的情節比較多, 所以, 會令人覺得法證法醫警察是分工合作/ i# g! h0 F, I
而警察部跟法證部的其他同事也沒有前兩輯來得吸引人, 或者用了太多新人了吧!
) e# V: v5 R" y' z* v: q$ h/ X) A但整體而言, 還是OK 的


  • devil2007

法證, 法醫去查案應該是從第一輯就已經開始了. 真奇怪為甚麼現在的觀眾好像突然才發覺法醫, 法證去查案.
4 O6 {6 A" k* P& ]& `: W5 v0 e從第一集開始, Pro Sir 跟 Dr Chung 都只對警察提供意見, 縮小警察搜查範圍, 還真不見到他們學警察那樣去查 ...
7 m  p. w+ q8 d5 Usuperbasara 發表於 2011-10-28 12:32 PM
  `7 w3 |) a. a0 Btvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 j7 p3 a/ I, O
I would agree with you for the comparison and explanation part of Dr.Koo and Dr.Chung! They are just what I am thought to say. =)
6 I# J$ E9 x; J6 O" X3 y4 Xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbWell,let me add more fore the other parts.
8 G  B) U5 E# `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ n9 k& U8 q( f" A/ f
The drama is name as Forensic Heroes,of course we will expect to see more contributions by the forensic department in the process of solving a case.
" \4 Y( ]1 d7 O8 Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe main job of polices are typically search the target,arrest them,and get their confession.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 v( W# c% b# w8 d7 U: _
Frankly speaking,I watch the Forensic Heroes II again before I watch the current one and I understand why LZ will say this drama is worse than the previous two sets. I think that's because,there are less action scenes in the current set as compared to the previous two sets. At least,in Forensic Heroes part II,we can see,the forensic department worked hard and focus on analyzing the evidences,while the police department also show their contribution in the process of chasing and catching the targets. Besides,in part II,if you guys still remember, Madam Ma(佘诗曼 饰)was really good at questioning the criminal and getting their confession. She also shows her good leadership as a senior chief inspector,by planning well and distributing the jobs to all of her team members before they go for the catch.
/ F5 F& i4 x" c& d6 x# @& v, _& ]  FTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。All of these,made that we feel that NOT ONLY forensic department are doing their job,BUT the police department is contributing as well.
6 A; l. H( O2 e% O' J9 r) VTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" K! m2 j3 _4 I& X% }) N
while back to the current one,Madam Leng (Kate Tsui) seems don't have that kind of strong leadership,or any unique skills that can convince the audience that she is really a senior inspector. Her team is even worse,looks like college kids more than polices,all they know is fooling around,boasting and eating. =.=公仔箱論壇' D( w: k3 l- K. I! \9 _8 u* a! f

  R" p0 i8 l/ }, S3 }公仔箱論壇All in all,I still support Pro Sir and his forensic team,they really doing their job great,but the police department is really a failure part which is dragging down the overall performance and interesting level of this drama.
% U( N# q  _3 Q& l! P  X公仔箱論壇seriously,Kate Tsui really suck at acting as police. =.=


  • devil2007

法證, 法醫去查案應該是從第一輯就已經開始了. 真奇怪為甚麼現在的觀眾好像突然才發覺法醫, 法證去查案.
6 K2 M9 W+ q, T& `# qos.tvboxnow.com從第一集開始, Pro Sir 跟 Dr Chung 都只對警察提供意見, 縮小警察搜查範圍, 還真不見到他們學警察那樣去查 ...6 u1 l7 O9 }1 F. B* B) A7 n/ r
superbasara 發表於 2011-10-28 12:32 PM [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=34466330&ptid=1735044][/url]
' S8 e: ^& r$ |: T% A公仔箱論壇
$ c9 c* Z1 C1 t6 i5 a2 E, fThx for the respond but I dont think u understand what I mean and your comparison is not entirely correct. Dr. Koo and Dr. Chung both helps their investigating counterparts (ie. forensic staffs and polices) but they do it differently. In the analysis of crime crisis, a forensic pathologist should just focus on the task delivered which includes determination of TOD (time of death), preliminary COD (causes of death) and any other signs related to a corpse (dead body). Then he/she will perform autopsy and post mortem analysis on that corpse.
( P0 A. @7 K% b* H7 m" e3 f4 x' atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) A2 H  }2 r+ @; D/ D7 ]5 ~5 U
Dr. Koo does his job perfectly. He professionally examine the corpse and determine COD, TOD and stuffs related to medical details. He does not add anything else because it's not his expertise. He will talk to Tim Sir since they live together but that's when they are not in uniform and just chatting around.
+ _* j5 i  K7 v1 S5 C3 s/ d5 @$ j6 w/ ^+ H& G" f% M) Q2 I
Dr Chung (in episode 9) is like the lead investigator and examine the crime scene evidences while making estimation. That's unprofessional and ridiculous. Look at any drama related to forensic crime (ie. CSIs), I bet you'll never see a pathologist do that. TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。& v) s  @) {1 i

8 ]7 @- o4 P# {5 z. F
Frankly speaking,I watch the Forensic Heroes II again before I watch the current one and I understand why LZ will say this drama is worse than the previous two sets. I think that's because,there are less action scenes in the current set as compared to the previous two sets.[url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=34466330&ptid=1735044][/url]
6 }% g8 u1 w6 u
os.tvboxnow.com) N' J! Q' x$ V3 A' X+ o6 X
I don't really think you read my (long) article on my comment of FH3. I don't mind there aren't any action scenes (CSIs also lack action scenes). The fact that this drama take itself so seriously yet deliver so poorly with the combination of various failures (ie acting, directing, story etc.) make this one of the weaker drama of recent memory IMO
i totally disagreed with your comments.. to me, the movie is pretty good.. though it is different sets of actors and actress, you guys should be accepting new things.. we can't always based on the existing ppl to act...


  • devil2007



  • devil2007

i totally disagreed with your comments.. to me, the movie is pretty good.. though it is different sets of actors and actress, you guys should be accepting new things.. we can't always based on the exi ...
/ x' t" i; U( Q: H1 ]公仔箱論壇annielje 發表於 2011-10-29 11:09 AM
' Q% Y3 G- a% k, h$ `4 Y

1 j" Z7 y# H- M9 |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Of course I can accept these news actors and actresses. I just saying compared to previous 2, it is very far behind. This is Forensic Heroes 3. They use such title means this is a sequel to the previous 2 and of course everybody will compared them.
/ a0 T1 W. I9 }- \2 d1 Q7 H  v$ ^$ V9 k. Y. M' d
You disagree bout everything including directing and story? Man I would like to hear your opinion bout this drama.


  • devil2007

i totally disagreed with your comments.. to me, the movie is pretty good.. though it is different sets of actors and actress, you guys should be accepting new things.. we can't always based on the exi ...公仔箱論壇( d9 W7 q7 T; R" j% h) I  w
annielje 發表於 2011-10-29 11:09 AM
公仔箱論壇4 y0 {* T( _% X1 X( }( A8 H

( l% q. u# w1 o6 B( RI disagree. I agree with everything Post 1 said. everyone's job is all mixed up, and seems like the police is acting under the direction of the Forensic staff, instead of using forensic reports to support their work. $ i0 B  k8 M8 N$ l. l

* c  ~. G0 _; Zos.tvboxnow.comi understand using different sets of actors and actress will make the series different, but if you have seen FH1 and 2, you would realised that FH3 is not done as good as the other 2. The benchmark has been set in FH1 and 2, and 3 is just way below. Accepting new things is one thing, accepting unacceptable thing is another.
. j" q) J" O2 V
# N2 P: E0 ~- W- i+ Q9 |TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。at the end of it, i'll carry on watching, because in NZ, its hard to get TVB series. but yeah, just hope the production group can look back on the previous 2 show and learn and improve future shows.... and don't let the FH series become another Burning Flame series...
Yes, your points are well analysed, especially the two professionals just tried to reiterate what the scripts said, no real performance.