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Jodie死的好誇張% q/ v1 l/ J  {# K, L, o6 z  E
4 P, {- v& d! `0 v2 j: t% n* g公仔箱論壇在監獄柵欄外的人是誰
Not a good ending indeed... 哀收尾。。。
3 f1 K6 G7 j( n+ D$ s, ?杨毅 發表於 2011-9-10 05:00 PM
, O3 T. O: `. N4 _2 a: y9 K6 ]$ H公仔箱論壇
' p5 i" {; f5 ?2 ?8 Ros.tvboxnow.com係..一矢中的
3 g+ d1 \' b9 M. a一來要為電影拍續集
2 U5 |9 E0 S/ ?: wos.tvboxnow.com二來編戲的人睇同想的,都是悲觀睇法
totally agreeed!!!
i guess laughing is preparing to.................. let madam jo to fall..........TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 K, m- W; N9 D, q* x/ V
holding the rope would make the distance between herself and the ground / pallet a bit shorter.
, K2 ~& d( x) j. ~os.tvboxnow.comhowever, for such height, fracture of hip bone and lower limbs will be a definite. Hip fracture is a very bad medical emergency. There are numerous blood vessels running around the hip bone. Even she isn't dead spontaneously from the hit at that time ( I assuming head trauma), die from haemorrhage at the hip would be highly possible.
' Y$ {9 E+ r4 j+ S/ ]: z) f3 {) b1 `: d$ H: B
so.......... she will die definitely