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会不会出潜行狙击 II ????

会不会出潜行狙击 II ??????????
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絕對會啦! TVB想將Laughing拍成系列劇集,第1季,第2季,第3季.... 而且謝天華嘅Laughing形象已深入民心,揾唔到更好嘅人選做卧底角色,只好委屈謝天華繼續卧... haha
MC Jin is going to be the new age UC, Laughing will come back as handler, and Jodie come back as a ghost.
据说会开拍电影版嘅《潜行狙击》(就好似上次拍《Laughing gor之变节》咁,食住嗰势,少成本,高收入)。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( n" F1 J' A/ [/ _0 i6 P6 t  @
潜行狙击太不好看了.香港的黑社会真是白痴,潜了几次还老是让Laughing 潜.
到時應該唔係叫呢個名啦- -
潜行狙击太不好看了.香港的黑社会真是白痴,潜了几次还老是让Laughing 潜.# s8 P# L7 m) m8 p+ o) ?
任达华 發表於 2011-9-10 01:24 PM
depends on how you see this, sometimes 黑社会 thinks they are in control and think they can outsmart the cops, as in Michael.
agree with mrfusion. os.tvboxnow.com( w2 v2 N% H% r3 I: n; F
7 s, K# B9 m$ F% b
It is due to over confident and some other issues. Cops have his benefits for them. Even it is risky  but they think they can cover it.
i think will loh... TVB style!