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[時事討論] 国阵自欺欺人,月入三千就是高收入!

High-income job bar set at RM3,000TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" C8 b# n  ?9 g" j% d7 g
By Lee Wei Lian
" f6 \( a9 N& \$ w9 u$ XTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。January 18, 2011
4 F+ T* P2 T) o- I0 @os.tvboxnow.com公仔箱論壇( b2 ], V" p2 U" G  V
os.tvboxnow.com% p+ m8 G. ^2 F1 K' {7 x3 C

- `: y/ l9 E) X/ P1 A公仔箱論壇Mustapa said a salary of RM3,000 a month is ‘reasonable’ for the Klang Valley. — Picture by Choo Choy May
  h/ `  ]1 g* f- J- p& L/ K
0 K% x& a/ w+ q: g; h0 G
& b/ B: a- y" H$ z/ M公仔箱論壇
% ^" @2 z* i% s9 @% A, RKUALA LUMPUR, Jan 18 — Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said today that his ministry will use RM3,000 a month in salary as a proxy for high-income jobs for the time being. tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# m% ]/ x# M* g! t
8 m+ V0 E3 M( r+ T) ?
0 M0 D5 \. P1 K2 C7 |  y8 R

1 q. ?) h5 G" v/ I( L% e3 Mos.tvboxnow.comThe minister of international trade and industry said RM3,000 is a “reasonable income” for someone in the Klang Valley and that it was a good income for regions such as the east coast and east Malaysia.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb- o/ a/ w+ g0 @5 _4 ~

& t" q' L/ X5 w  ?& i  I. |os.tvboxnow.com

“You won’t be rich (with RM3,000) but you can survive,” said Mustapa.

TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! r7 O, U5 f; T7 o& p" @, r

and knowledge and skill intensive.

1 f/ V0 [+ N; wos.tvboxnow.com" ~- f' |% ]' z4 Y8 f

Mustapa, however, stressed that the definition was still evolving.

9 H. K# E- i9 q' Q8 T5 \
) m% G' T& g4 p+ j, S. Uos.tvboxnow.com

“We are using RM3,000 a month as a proxy for high-income jobs,” he said. “It is a work in progress and we hope for a more precise definition.”

. y( [  H* ~  [0 mos.tvboxnow.comTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。5 A7 ]  R( I) M/ d


1 R$ Z; S2 F$ T& O1 j一个月赚马币三千块在马来西亚生活困难吗??
; R7 c& H( I( l- L( m2 S我们的经济负担来自哪里,你们个人平均一个月花费在哪里呢??tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ k$ ]3 J; |: @% C8 Y& M( }


  • civicboy1969

- q$ P9 l& Z# ^7 {) N! L公仔箱論壇⒈ 月薪RMB兩萬(RM9,260)以上
2 g6 a7 W6 v. ^: c) b9 Y⒉ 堅持健身和運動公仔箱論壇+ Q! t% s# H0 {1 w1 v/ w9 S" P* O
⒊ 至少有二居室(二房住宅)
& p. C& y" Q% t3 C3 H0 H4 ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvb⒋ 有約RMB十五萬(RM69,450)的小車
. I( c$ W: {: ]# j) DTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。⒌ 有固定的朋友圈子tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. Z1 `- ]7 Y+ D" Q
⒍ 工作不局限於在辦公室完成,工作遠瑞化是大勢所趨
$ E  v7 s- q! e1 i公仔箱論壇⒎ 工作朝九晚五,有足夠的閒暇時間
, _2 J8 ]( u8 i5 k4 m0 ~9 i( J+ Qos.tvboxnow.com⒏ 有獨特的娛樂方式os.tvboxnow.com0 h1 w; G( \0 b  k% @( j/ t
⒐ 重視底碳生活tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ G5 p! Y  k+ O7 F. D) K
⒑ 有鍾愛的時尚品牌


  • civicboy1969



大家知道大马的部长每个月的薪水吗?) `6 c* N. t. j8 |  O6 p
# U8 L" D, A8 O: s; Z* c% A
基本薪水: RM18000。
0 Z% ^3 t8 ^8 q2 R: [TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。应酬津贴: RM10500。
" T3 E1 T% M' b3 C' W' v# \公仔箱論壇房屋津贴: RM10800。
, h1 T$ q9 i# N& s+ \tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb人民代议事津贴: RM10650。公仔箱論壇1 k9 T3 ^* w8 b! @2 |' W. k
泊车津贴: RM5700 (他们的车不知是泊在哪里,需要这么多钱?)
& O% |& q3 ~  Z+ {- c0 F9 w! Y7 u( t公仔箱論壇总共RM55650将每个月存入部长的私人户口,不管他们有没有做工。
3 a8 `: U) r( n% H6 D/ Q, H公仔箱論壇  |& ^& H( {% }1 V& ?( a- W4 x
哇,这么多钱? 还没有,还有其他的福利。
% V+ v0 {! i' W" u+ ~3 j, I' Oos.tvboxnow.com出国旅游津贴RM50000 (这只是红包钱),这笔钱是一定发给部长的,不管他们有没有出国旅行。os.tvboxnow.com: L+ R2 e5 |5 X. s9 ^  [% y9 r
. u5 n5 S6 W: ^' I) y, x免费使用水供。
& p; D' \- w' k( I免费使用电话。TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: @9 t: T6 h* C
$ I6 I7 X( I( x" E- u0 H) w7 x提供Mercedes S320车,手提电话,司机和免费汽油。
( b% `+ X7 ?+ j8 Pos.tvboxnow.com; u5 ?3 L( ?9 a8 A6 M
全部捐款都可以申请拨款。  x$ Q9 @8 p/ p% k7 U. ]) a3 N
# ^: o, k1 q! X7 E* B* pTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
4 V6 H+ i9 A& i3 j- Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb你们说,RM3000算不算是高收入。大家心知肚明,难怪大家都争着当部长。要知道现今的社会RM3000可能不够一个打工仔花,要供车,供屋,还要供吃,哪里够花。


  • civicboy1969

if he said $3000 is high income . so I suggest better all the govement same salary . 公仔箱論壇$ A6 K" ?( c$ ~4 n
because since he said $3000 is enough for surviour .
$ y6 r* y/ R5 w2 G" x% a公仔箱論壇
' o; ^1 I% o+ k, ^6 _公仔箱論壇we all are same , why not their show some example ? - E% l8 b- M# @9 U
公仔箱論壇. p5 l& ~+ ]) T7 G* k  v
idiot people said idiot words ..


  • civicboy1969

别说三千,在目前一个月5,000。os.tvboxnow.com7 K* N/ @' b$ t- s, c% z
; K" F. y& r* P" O9 _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb各位算算一下你们的裤袋剩下多少。* t! K) n) w+ A


  • civicboy1969

RM 3000 is high income? now i see malaysia is walk toward to high expenses country. os.tvboxnow.com4 P% S4 S- ?+ |+ n5 d1 H# ]
they announce so many project to convert malaysia to high income country. if RM3000 is high income, then why not they use the RM67B of that 19 projects to give to those <RM3000 income one. i sure it is more than enough.


  • civicboy1969



  • civicboy1969

RM 3000 is consider as high income?
( b9 y' I) t% J) K, I. \公仔箱論壇Than what is the range of middle income?os.tvboxnow.com2 u8 R! F1 G8 A4 [- a
Malaysia really now how to make their mark in the "Hall of Fame"( }4 r2 p& J, D* B! ~
With the increasing of inflation rate and the cost of living, RM 3000 is merely enough for a person to survive in the current world.


  • civicboy1969

no wonder all those minister after retired got Banglow and Bank account oversea, and their children also oversea educated! so good to serve the party! oh! i mean the Rakyat!
% W. Y( E3 q0 k: p8 i5 f3k! enough! 20 year ago la! we can use the finance term! CPI( consumer price index) to calculate! sure got significant result! this minister really clever! now i know what should work as in the future!


  • civicboy1969

本帖最後由 gohtk 於 2011-1-27 12:42 AM 編輯
$ e  n9 [7 H6 b1 a; `' L! q/ s5 w" ~) O


  • civicboy1969
