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(以色列31日訊)上萬名以色列民眾週六晚在特拉維夫拉賓廣場舉行集會,紀念前總理拉賓遇刺15週年。% A# u" ]4 e" n, b# }

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以色列總統佩雷斯、拉賓家人和一些當地知名人士在集會上發表演講。佩雷斯說,雖然拉賓已經遇刺身亡,但人們追求和平的腳步不會停下。他對台下的民眾說:“拉賓的精神遺產永存,以色列的命運在你們手中。”% Z# v+ i. B2 `: J+ h

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拉賓去世15年來,以色列每年都會在其遇刺地點舉行紀念活動。據當地媒體報導,由於參加的人愈來愈少,活動組織方表示今年可能是最後一次舉行拉賓紀念集會。; l; ^5 S4 K1 x; E
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(圖:法新社) # |. {  R, f- u& t
With the death of Yitzhak Rabin, the chance for a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian problem also died with it. Although Rabin was also considered to be hawkish in the general sense of the word, he saw the reality that Israel had to make concession in order to gain lasting peace. In the signing of the Oslo Accord in September 1993, we can see Rabin's palpable hatred for Arafat whom he considered as despicable terrorist. He is willing to make the difficult decision despite intense political pressure, a great man indeed. His untimely death in November 1995 and the governing of the Likud Party put up obstacles and stall to any legitimate peace initiative. If the dwindling homage to Rabin is true, it is a sad trend both for the Israelis and the Palestinians.


  • scum132

) X# y. G  A& o  O. j& htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb您的見解頗為精闢,為讓更多朋友瞭解您的看法,小弟斗膽中譯如下,如有冒犯請見諒!謬誤處亦請指正!
" c) _! i& n: P' S7 K+ y
. p' [" K# W& A; g% N' {; b中譯:
2 h3 d# H  H) U" x/ ~tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb隨著拉賓遇刺身亡,以巴和解的希望愈顯渺茫。雖然拉賓被公認為鷹派人士,他卻務實地體認出,唯有以色列退讓方能締造永久區域和平。拉賓對於阿拉法特(時任巴勒斯坦解放組織主席)領導策劃的恐怖行為深惡痛絕,然而為推動以巴和解,在龐大政治壓力下,拉賓仍於1993年毅然決然地與阿拉法特達成奧斯陸和平協議,此舉雖為以巴和平進程開啟新頁,卻也埋下兩年後遇刺的禍根。在他身亡之後,鷹派政黨利庫德勢力抬頭,和平協議亦遭無限期擱置。若真如新聞所說,人們正逐漸淡忘拉賓追求和平的精神與堅持,以巴衝突恐會持續上演,最終受害者仍將是雙方百姓。