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虎门大桥东起虎门,西接番禺,横跨珠江口,全长15.78公里,沟通广东东西两翼。1 D( @6 i$ P, S/ r0 ^: p: \. H
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9 q: [7 K# j) ?! n6 r公仔箱論壇众所周知,这里曾经是鸦片战争的古战场,清道光年间,林则徐带领虎门军民筑起了百丈铁链横锁大江,凭借一夫当关、万夫莫开的金锁铜关抵御来犯之敌。而今,硝烟不再,天青海阔,波澜不惊,天堑变了通途,泛舟珠江,只见大桥飞架,横空出世如长虹卧波;信步桥头,则气象万千,云樯帆影,尽收眼底。( g: O0 o  |1 n1 _) E) ?. D

% _& }- S' _! s$ T3 ~( H9 a& q公仔箱論壇
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  • k23bb

day and night also beautiful 好靚 thank you


  • k23bb

This is a famous bridge next to the Nanking bridge.


  • k23bb

very nice bridge
本帖最後由 norman.ho 於 2010-8-24 10:19 AM 編輯
+ g& ]2 x8 T$ T3 D( Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 O' x1 B# }/ f4 E1 u9 \
虎门大桥 - One of the mammoth achievement in modern architecture, it is both functional and aesthetic.  I love bridges, big and small, old or new.  Bridges join two regions, two cities, two cultures together.  With the bridge, we commune, trade, develop friendship, get married, have family, combining many distinct communities to become one big society.TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ }9 a( H; u' `% |0 L% x! ~1 z
虎门大桥 is a special kind of bridge, its part steel cable suspension, and part span.  The cable suspension forms a straight line joining the mainland on one side to an island on the other, it provides enough clearance for shipping to sail beneath it; the span construction is slightly curved connecting the island to the other side of the mainland.
! `& o  L5 }3 pYou will be surprised to find how many bridges you cross a day, bridges across the islands, pedestrian bridges to cross the road, bridges built on land as freeways and highways etc.  
1 y; G( n# \* p2 s9 `# D- O
! \7 O8 B+ k9 Q, \os.tvboxnow.comHere is an example of another magnificent bridge; the Millau bridge - The Bridge in the Sky.- W. f$ \  U2 _% m2 z# E& C
os.tvboxnow.com1 i7 y; ?* l! `: P/ m1 ~4 w
A little green earthling, living life as if there were no tomorrow.