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[遊戲音樂] Ron Fish -《Batman Arkham Asylum》[192kbps/MP3][RF]

【專輯名稱】:Ron Fish -《Batman Arkham Asylum》
【專輯歌手】:Ron Fish
【專輯介紹】:本游戏在世界各地的总平均评分已到达了91.67,创造了此类游戏最高的世界记录。由Rocksteady工作室所制作的获得DC漫画授权的《Batman Arkham Asylum》游戏,为玩家提供了多样的游戏模式,用曲折的冒险为玩家塑造了一个真实立体的英雄,其黑暗阴郁的氛围和大气磅礴的场面将玩家带入Arkham Asylum更深处。吉尼斯世界记录组织的Gaz Deaves说,“我们很高兴能授予《Batman Arkham Asylum》这一新的吉尼斯世界纪录。这是一个美妙的游戏,我们认为它理所应当在吉尼斯世界纪录大全上留下荣誉。“《Batman Arkham Asylum》的原著故事来自于Paul Dini,他是5次艾美奖的得主且作品包括:Lost and Batman: The Animated Series。玩家们要在黑暗的世界中前行,对抗他至始至终的敌人Joker和许多Gotham City最臭名昭著的罪犯,包括Bane,Killer Croc(鳄鱼人)和Poison Ivy(毒藤女),并维护Arkham Asylum的安全。

1. ThemeV3Detective (3:20)
2. B1 Combat 01 (2:41)
3. B1 Combat 02 (2:33)
4. Batman 01 (4:19)
5. Batman 02 (4:16)
6. CH3Admin A1 Combat 01 (3:23)
7. CH3Admin A1 Combat 02 (3:25)
8. CH3Admin A1 Combat 03 (3:26)
9. Combat 01 (4:16)
10. Combat 02 (4:15)
11. ForensicTrail 01 (1:40)
12. ForensicTrail 02 (1:40)
13. ForensicTrail 03 (1:39)
14. Henchmen 01 (4:34)
15. Henchmen 02 (4:36)
16. Henchmen 03 (4:35)
17. IntroLoop 01 (1:04)
18. IntroLoop 02 (1:04)
19. IntroLoop 03 (1:02)
20. IP V2 01 (2:31)
21. IP V2 02 (2:32)
22. IP V2 03 (2:32)
23. LunaticMultiLoop 01 (0:33)
24. LunaticMultiLoop 02 (0:32)
25. Med B3Loop 01 (1:08)
26. Med B3Loop 02 (1:11)

27. Mus A1Combat 01 (2:45)
28. Mus A1Combat 02 (2:44)
29. Mus A1 Combat 03 (2:44)
30. OverWorldCombat 01
31. OverWorldCombat 02
32. Pred Batman 01
33. Pred Batman 02
34. SPTutorial 01
35. SPTutorial 02
36. SPTutorial 03
37. SPTutorial 04
38. SPTutorial 05
39. VisitorCentre 01
40. VisitorCentre 02
41. BossBane 01
42. BossBane 02
43. BossBane 03
44. BossIvy 01
45. BossIvy 02
46. BossIvy 03
47. BossJoker 01

48. BossJoker 02
49. BossJoker 03
50. ChallCombat
51. ChallCombatV2
52. CombatDLC
53. 412 JokerTriggers
54. A1 Intro
55. A1 Outro
56. AlertIntro
57. AlertLoop
58. AtmosLoop
59. AttackLoop
60. Bach02
61. BaneIntro
62. BatCaveBridge
63. BatCaveGlide
64. BatCaveStart
65. BatGelReward
66. BGM3
67. BGM4 2
68. BoredShot1
69. BoredShot2
70. BoredShot3
71. Boss 1 Outro
72. BreakingNews
73. C5PErcLoop1
74. CarCombatINtro
75. Cave A
76. Cell Loop
77. Cells A1
78. Cells Hit
79. Cells Intro
80. CellsCombatIntro
81. CH5 Henchman
82. Charge2Loop
83. Charge2Loop Intro
84. Charge2Loop Outro
85. Charge3 Intro
86. Charge3 Loop
87. Charge3 Outro
88. Chase1
89. ChaseEnd
90. ChaseLoop1
91. ChaseTremLoop
92. ClassicalJok
93. CombatB6 Intro
94. CombatB6 Loop
95. CombatB6 Outro
96. CombatIntro1
97. CombatLoop1 conv
98. CombatLoop2 conv
99. CombatLoop3
100. CombatLoop5
101. CombatLoop6
102. DieFledermaus
103. End
104. Explore1Intro
105. Explore1Loop
106. Explore2Intro
107. Explore2Loop
108. Extra AfterCrocLoop
109. Extra JokerJump
110. Extra OrderlyTensionV2
111. Fallin
112. FirstCombat Intro
113. FirstCombat Outro
114. ForensicIntro
115. FPed
116. GordonSaved
117. GrabPt1 Intro
118. GrabPt1 Loop
119. GrabPt1 Outro
120. GrabUnder
121. Guard1
122. Guard2
123. Guard3
124. HarleyDropsLift
125. HarleyIntro
126. HarleyKills
127. HeadBite
128. HeartBeatLoop
129. HostageOver
130. HostageStart
131. HostageStartLoop
132. Intro
133. IntroLoop1
134. IntroPt1
135. IvyAttack1
136. JazzFa

137. JazzSl
138. JokerDestroy
139. JokerDestroy2
140. JokerEscapes
141. JokerOnCell
142. LastTenSecs
143. LevelStart
144. Lift1Shot4
145. Lift1Shot5
146. LiftIntro1
147. LiftIntroLoop2 conv
148. LinftIntroLoop1 conv
149. Loop2
150. LunaticStop
151. Max B1 Croc
152. MaxA1 DoorsOpen
153. MaxA1 DoorsOpenLoop
154. MaxA1 Intro
155. MaxA1 IntroLoop
156. MaxB1 BottomOfLift
157. MaxB1 BottomOfLoop
158. MaxB1 getInLift
159. MaxB1 LiftLoop
160. MaxB1 LightsOut
161. MAXB3 Leave
162. MaxB5 AfterGuard
163. MaxC6 DoorsOpen
164. MaxC6 Enter
165. MaxC6 Loop
166. Med B3Phrase1
167. Med B3Phrase2
168. MedicalCorridors
169. MeetIvy
170. OfficeCamScene
171. OverworldReveal
172. OW A3Plants
173. Pad1
174. Pad2
175. Pad3
176. ParentsDeath
177. Pizz1Shot
178. Reveal
179. RevIn1
180. RevIn2
181. ScareCrowGas
182. ScareCrowIntroV2
183. ScareCrowIntroV2
184. ScareCrowloop
185. SeeGordon
186. SeeYou
187. SeeYou
188. Shaker1 conv
189. SniperIntro
190. SniperIntroB
191. Spooky1
192. Spooky2
193. Spooky3
194. Stop1
195. String Gliss
196. SubHit
197. Success
198. TenseBed
199. TenseLoop
200. Theme1
201. Theme2
202. Theme3
203. Theme4
204. ThroneRoom
205. VenomFactoryIntro
206. VenomIvyIntro
207. VenomTransform
208. VisitorC1
209. VisitorC1r2
210. WardenIntro Front
211. WhiskeyTrailIntro
212. WhiskLoop
213. WhiskLoopIntro
214. Credits


CD1    CD2      CD3      CD4

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  • ~劍全~

thank you very much for sharing~