Mark Ruffalo 在較早前已曾表示,Hulk 這角色將會在《Thor: Ragnarok》中作出重大轉變,而當電影的正式預告發佈後,Hulk 跟 Thor 坐下風趣地閒談的一幕,直接令我們了解到 Mark Ruffalo 那說法的意思。近日他接受 Cinema Blend 訪問時,進一步談及 Hulk 往後在電影故事中的發展 :"So basically, Kevin pulled me aside before this, and said, ‘If you were gonna do a… if we were going to do a standalone Hulk movie, what would it be?’ And I said, ‘I think it should be this, this, this, and this and this, and ends up like this.’ And he’s like, ‘I love that. Why don’t we do that in the next three movies, starting with Thor 3 and then we go into Avengers 3 and 4.’ And I was like, ‘That sounds great!’ And so we are at the beginning of this arc." Marvel Studios 總裁 Kevin Feige 跟 Mark Ruffalo 討論過 Hulk 一角的發展,縱然為 Hulk 推出獨立電影的計劃,在現階段暫時難以實行,但他們仍選擇在接下來的《Avengers: Infinity War》及《Avengers 4》中,為這角色營造更大發揮空間。
 "He’s like a baby! He’s like a five year old or six year old. So he has the same syntax, he has the same world view, and so it was fun. It’s like Chris — we all got to reinvent our characters in this." Mark Ruffalo 還解釋這時的 Hulk 就像一個小朋友,開始能夠正常跟別人溝通和理解事物之後,這角色因而變得更加有趣,也是 Hulk 未來在電影故事中的發展,最令人期待的地方。 |