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Good morning Magician A!! Thank you for your 評分(again if I forgot to thank you)!!!

各位水友 早午晚好好好!!!

Grace 忙左幾乎成個禮拜 新屋 D 野返嚟啦!!!

因為要等 D 人送貨,跟住要等 D 師傅嚟裝野,我自己就親自鬥左個架嚟擺喺花園擺我D盤景,仲有好多濕碎野...真係有排忙囉!!!

仲要追 D 乜乜物物師傅,幾時嚟搞呢樣嗰樣,班大爺真係大牌,奉旨遲到不另行通知!!!



lhy92725 發表於 2017-3-14 05:27 PM
邊個同你講我容易飲醉? 我嘅家人除咗 過身咗嘅父亲 冇人飲得個我 親戚朋友嫁娶我係負責去頂酒架 我每天訓前都有飲一小杯紅酒 當係保健酒 色酒我都有飲少啫 色酒年分唔夠邊到飲得架!唔純!辣喉!飲啤酒仲好! ...
di0208 發表於 2017-3-14 10:42 PM
because of your previous assumption!
親戚朋友嫁娶我係負責去頂酒架that's your only usage...
飲啤酒仲好only cheap people drink beer!
知道醉貓因由 講解下有關酒鬼因由?
di0208 發表於 2017-3-14 10:44 PM
酒鬼=died from drinking too much and turned into ghost.
我從來都冇講過我聰明 你話你聰明 所以係講你
di0208 發表於 2017-3-14 10:45 PM
di0208 發表於 2017-3-14 10:47 PM
lhy92725 發表於 2017-3-14 10:48 PM

我只聽說個狗雄 冇聽說個豬雄 醉貓甲醉了 九唔搭八
di0208 發表於 2017-3-14 10:48 PM
di0208 is the original 靈異豬雄
做早班 冇咩時間進嚟
di0208 發表於 2017-3-14 10:50 PM
加咪黎次 我同貓講咗三次 我做冷藏海鲜食品加工业 輪班制 十五日做早班  十五日做晚班
di0208 發表於 2017-3-14 10:50 PM
cat cat will ask the same question in a few months.
Good morning Magician A!! Thank you for your 評分(again if I forgot to thank you)!!!

各位水友 早午晚好好好!!!
Grace 忙左幾乎 ...
gracechanstuart 發表於 2017-3-14 11:36 PM
good midnight grace
跟住要等 D 師傅嚟裝野D 師傅go to your new house 裝you野
班大爺真係大牌,奉旨遲到不另行通知if you hire big company people, they will have to call the head office to report this and that so the company will send you a notification in case they will be late.
油漆嗰度Call嚟Call去it took less than three days to paint 4000 sqft when i built my house so it won't take long once they started working.

good afternoon penny
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2017-3-15 03:06 PM
because of your previous assumption!
親戚朋友嫁娶我係負責去頂酒架that's your only usage...
飲啤酒仲好only cheap people drink beer!
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2017-3-15 03:08 PM

飲得唔代表唔會飲醉 我曾经為咗啖氣 同人打賭飲一碗沟咗十幾種烈酒 飲完開始冇事 過後我忘記咗唔知幾個鐘後啦 酒精上腦 嘔到啊媽都唔認得 醉得不醒人事 醒咗頭暈頭痛兩日 咁飲法同玩命冇分別 路人甲試試咁飲法

啤酒係全世界最平民化最暢銷的酒類  你咁講得罪好多人
酒鬼=died from drinking too much and turned into ghost.
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2017-3-15 03:10 PM