因為我地過澳門時幾乎冇人, 所以冇諗到咁誇張
blacker14tt 發表於 2016-10-12 08:29 AM
next time you buy hkd$500,000 chips and will get free ferry tickets and accommodation.
i'm not sure about now but back in january, there was a deal for hkd$21xx for two people round trip ferry ticket, one night hotel stay and the batman 4D show.
4300yen嘅話隨隨便便我都可以比, 但4300港紙需要肉痛下架, 畢竟直升機只搭果十幾分鐘
除非我日理萬機, 時間勁寶貴, 係連一秒鐘都唔可以浪費嘅大人物, 咁當然會選擇用錢買時間
but!!!!! me only a poor & small pot ...
blacker14tt 發表於 2016-10-12 08:34 AM