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, c6 k8 I, \: Y9 {幾時先破os.tvboxnow.com  }- Y2 z1 k4 X, k# l& x: U
free2penny 發表於 2016-8-13 05:52 PM
find the right timing
有你保護4 ~- N3 D$ k: @4 a0 {5 k3 n
free2penny 發表於 2016-8-13 05:52 PM
0 X- q" z: g0 a8 X公仔箱論壇快D出現
, K$ R; Y7 g- s6 W# b2 g& [) Q) Ptvb now,tvbnow,bttvbfree2penny 發表於 2016-8-13 05:53 PM
各位晚安! ' F3 O" {+ ?6 Y5 ^

6 i1 q! J" p3 |3 I& y% r" N. m# Zos.tvboxnow.com今晚多野搞,唔爬楼嘞。 os.tvboxnow.com5 Y/ S- ^$ h8 p* v, E: G, N+ T
大啦叭 發表於 2016-8-13 08:51 PM
喇叭師傅週末有D咩搞啊& H5 \( w% @) N6 ]8 N% y, D
lhy92725 發表於 2016-8-13 11:27 PM
7 S! t1 I0 _* }, p* s) ]( `lhy92725 發表於 2016-8-13 11:28 PM
各位 大家都好TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 j+ S/ u- h7 S4 H1 k# Z% P' ~. {
隨意1678 發表於 2016-8-14 12:53 AM
C兄~財大~言少~Grace~各位好!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; ~' f3 x0 P' l- l: l
free2penny 發表於 2016-8-14 02:42 AM
good morning penny
$ g! [: H# U& Z5 x% L6 ~TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。Grace姐 午安!
* L. e# ^1 K2 K; E1 Q% l! m公仔箱論壇pknoface 發表於 2016-8-13 08:48 AM
ken掌門 週日早安! 週末下午好!
orange早安! 下午好!
$ m% n+ `2 B2 W2 Y2 j# ~/ atvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPedestrian_A 發表於 2016-8-13 11:11 AM
路人甲 早安! 下午好!
not canadian athletes
4 w8 K1 v; j  }$ ZPedestrian_A 發表於 2016-8-13 11:01 AM
YesSingapore's Joseph Schooling's 50.39s
2 \5 g& u: E- o2 }# `  [: t
all athletes doping...  it's just a matter how good they hide...
% j6 ~7 ?5 b6 J7 n) ltvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPedestrian_A 發表於 2016-8-13 11:02 AM
sad hope you were never once
i will use my country as an example.... Q1 N4 ?! i5 G- ]
athletes from the east coast represent the country because west coast athletes have less training support.  i was once an athlete and continuously winning three years provincial championships and won one championship in the pacific north west.  i've got an  training invitation from COC but they want me to pay for my own traveling and lodging expenses.  I chose to continue my studies and now laugh at those who became athletes and got nothing.
: X6 V' e; k7 Otvb now,tvbnow,bttvbPedestrian_A 發表於 2016-8-13 11:07 AM
一段光煇人生光榮路人甲 your parent must very proud for youTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。1 B9 Z* [* n7 E6 ^
orange smell can be bought from the supermarkethttps://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/14762800-3f53-49e7-a4ff-48eac50c80f4_1.7ce8ed6a0c880874ac33a4c4301c9ded.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFF ...
2 D' M2 U2 h% @" J公仔箱論壇Pedestrian_A 發表於 2016-8-13 11:09 AM
or...just get an orange