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C兄、財大、16少 + 大家 好好好!!!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。6 q. S0 b) ^% A) L) a
Grace 忙完出遊、同 C兄、財大生日慶典,今日等陣要忙同老公出差,今晚返嚟再爬樓多謝各位啦!!!# ^& w6 s8 U' j1 u  ^, h
...os.tvboxnow.com) O1 ~+ `& f$ [9 }

gracechanstuart 發表於 2016-8-4 09:33 PM


5 L. `- w1 S3 v8 C, @- V, n5 T# ?, S; jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb你講我啊?
5 C( i1 A+ M6 W3 d& S& n; N) [, mlhy92725 發表於 2016-8-4 10:06 PM
貓姐 伸佢一脚…
C兄、財大、言十六少、grace 姐 大家好!
; i7 L( f* N: G. j: f* S8 }公仔箱論壇
$ |* [: W! M4 X: Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb公仔箱論壇; K4 i! R5 u. s! h+ b6 {) [# F8 X
原来神王甲 爱好表演, 大底包大底,除极都唔见底。
+ X) y4 P- g9 g5 b) |3 g+ @1 ~大啦叭 發表於 2016-8-4 06:40 PM
you sick faggot has some weird imagination of me...  stop having sexual fantasy of me or your boyfriend 愚雄 will be jealous
8 ]1 @8 b2 {  e$ P6 {1 t- a

" z. t1 O/ Z; S
" y; v' J) ^( A% ~2 x' t' g1 Qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb在澳洲 黎讲, 一个仔女就要一间屋去养大佢哋。
) I, v; f6 z7 m0 T3 B1 A5 V公仔箱論壇大啦叭 發表於 2016-8-4 06:44 PM
your real job is opening a brothel house....
0 I2 T, x* N  `8 A5 s. t) Y公仔箱論壇巧開來 發表於 2016-8-4 08:34 PM
巧開來0 f8 z& {( ^& c
please don't put me and that gay 啦叭 in the same sentence or his boyfriend 愚雄 will get mad even without eating mad cow meat
C兄、財大、16少 + 大家 好好好!!!6 \, X+ V$ T" p% u2 X
Grace 忙完出遊、同 C兄、財大生日慶典,今日等陣要忙同老公出差,今晚返嚟再爬樓多謝各位啦!!!3 K2 j" I& d  a( j# i" W
0 h' Z/ c* r) I4 b: a% t; v6 X9 @TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。gracechanstuart 發表於 2016-8-4 09:33 PM
remember to use safety gears when you 爬樓
9 C& S; W" M' @- E! L$ ^km8000 發表於 2016-8-4 09:38 PM
  u1 b% o- g7 e' D* G/ ~os.tvboxnow.com佢有準備,著好幾十件
0 v$ {) u( a" Mlhy92725 發表於 2016-8-4 10:05 PM
公仔箱論壇' M$ e2 j. m! J- O, N
) N& W! D; N3 O- B4 U/ Clhy92725 發表於 2016-8-4 10:06 PM
, q: j. M7 a; C. S/ _( }os.tvboxnow.com甘喇叭師傅米有兩間大屋咯
; E- v2 z' P/ Y4 J2 X. p7 l  jlhy92725 發表於 2016-8-4 10:07 PM
! o  h5 }5 V: ~os.tvboxnow.com隨意1678 發表於 2016-8-5 12:42 AM
on lun 9   愚雄玩到他自己陀陀轉 and didn't post yesterday because the d size batteries are stuck inside his @$$
( P% N. @9 O$ e/ P; }% b0 ]隨意1678 發表於 2016-8-5 12:48 AM
愚雄's genital is too small he can't even see it himself.
+ a; [  U, g0 r$ Q' oos.tvboxnow.com隨意1678 發表於 2016-8-5 12:53 AM
better than you because you eat too much mad cow disease beef.
露人甲扒度、等我找嘢洞你一下、开心嗎…os.tvboxnow.com( m; d4 N1 B0 m! e# J
隨意1678 發表於 2016-8-5 12:58 AM
know you were not feeling well yesterday because you couldn't take the d size batteries out from your butt hole.  喇叭 couldn't satisfied your needs and you have to do that yourself and got stuck