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are you saying 乾女兒 was someone pregnant for you?
% V7 ]7 O* s) E/ A公仔箱論壇smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:05 AM
i don't quite understand your question.
) K" ^  k" x# h1 p( ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb乾女兒's mom was pregnant and she wanted to have an abortion.  i convinced her not to do something stupid and she finally respect life and bring this lovely baby to the world.  I promised I would help taking care of this little girl during the weekend but somehow my wife got tricked and 乾女兒 is now part of my family.
是的 重刑犯os.tvboxnow.com- U$ ]" ^* c, g( U/ ]1 g6 X
smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:06 AM
. |: h2 q) A6 q1 G% u& _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb少過 60 帖冇$ 收
- S& m; x& C$ V% L" e辛苦曬 grace 姐
$ V1 b. N5 |: \  g- N6 y0 |os.tvboxnow.comsatoshi23 發表於 2016-7-9 10:12 AM
, R7 i% r) k+ l+ R/ Eos.tvboxnow.com路人甲秘密就是私穩TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ r' [3 I, H0 j. E6 x. W' V
smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:26 AM
9 K* S, b- b$ E7 J* Z5 ^, Tos.tvboxnow.com醜八怪, 不倫不類TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。  ^$ w$ ^  l7 Y$ f) K
smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:30 AM
隨意love him/her
Penny別誤會free2penny也是唯一 舉世無雙os.tvboxnow.com- @2 \# \# ]- T6 a' T3 |
smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:37 AM
don't do anything stupid to penny
還是一樣可愛, 令人疼惜os.tvboxnow.com/ a! H/ _7 d9 H! a: G/ |- D; D0 K
smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:41 AM
os.tvboxnow.com; @6 E' b( X1 ?7 E4 p( K
你有講os.tvboxnow.com. \- \; @- u) ~( ]
free2penny 發表於 2016-7-9 10:25 AM
5 @2 ~" b. V7 r4 _; L

, Z0 e4 U0 s5 N2 o5 \MJ晚節不保
4 G! ^$ k8 v; a+ f& btvb now,tvbnow,bttvbsmcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:47 AM
大啦叭 wants 晚節不保
) J! Z8 a, ~  L1 f& P' V7 Z5 @smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:56 AM
none of your business
路人甲 自我陶醉中...
9 R4 c* ^' s& l8 ]: D& v  rsmcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 10:58 AM
only those who are in love understand that
"春色滿園關不住,一枝紅杏出牆來。"2 g+ I! a+ `( ]+ @
smcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 11:03 AM
mrs. orange 紅杏出牆
. a! y8 O* x& C% s1 A4 psmcorange 發表於 2016-7-9 11:05 AM
公仔箱論壇2 K; _, @" h  a5 J* J. e
* s9 f3 H! J1 U  ^' I0 Hos.tvboxnow.comlhy92725 發表於 2016-7-9 12:39 PM
5 m) p" k5 u- c1 c

5 j, n0 u8 Z& D9 V: ~4 Tos.tvboxnow.com你太抬舉我啦公仔箱論壇4 U( n- r/ N6 H$ S4 \! P
free2penny 發表於 2016-7-9 01:30 PM