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gracechan / Pedestrian_A / 巧開來  ... hello


╭♡☆放慢脚步 享受不一样的生活 °♡♥
貓貓 晚上好!!
本帖最後由 gracechanstuart 於 2014-8-29 12:09 AM 編輯
American people care about health? My girlfriend and I ate at Bellevue The Cheesecake factory before we returned to Canada on Sunday.  The reason we were there...  cheesecakes.    Everythi ...
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-28 04:21 AM
Sorry about responding to your post late.  I was exhausted from going to the Gym last night.  

I love cheesecakes myself, but my husband doesn't, plus I know how much calories is in just one slice of those monsters... So we are not going to The Cheesecake Factory even if they are still around. There used to be a Cheesecake Factory here in Coeur d'Alene, but they closed it down because of bad business I suppose, so I thought they went bankrupt. Americans might not all care about health, but my husband and I try to take care of ourselves the best we can.

It looks like we were really spoiled in Austin with all the access we had to everything we need at a very reasonable price and within 30 minutes drive. Even with Walmart here, they are a little more expensive with the usual items they carry, and in Austin we have Blu-rays of older movies in Walmart for 8 bugs, here even if you want to pay 15-26 bugs for blu-ray movies, you simply cannot because they are not available. Anyways, I think we are still lucky we know where to get what we want or need, and that we could afford to get them.

Next time you're in Portland, check out Fry's Electronics.  They carry a lot more variety of products, and at a very reasonable price.  And they do carry some rare special items you might not find anywhere else. We stopped going to Best Buy a long time ago.

Consider being in Canada still a blessing, if you were in China like 貓貓, you can't have access to Youtube online, because of the Chinese censorship on information.

貓,最後一句提到貓貓,那句是說: 應該為能生活在加拿大而覺得慶幸! 如果生活在中國大陸(像貓貓),就連上 Youtube 都不行,因為中國政府的封鎖資訊。
lhy92725 發表於 2014-8-28 11:37 PM
貓貓,唔好意思,尋日冇覆路人甲,頭先就喺度覆佢,所以未見到你個POST,今日要準備整一個甜品叫 cinamon rolls【呢個基本上係一個牛油捲,係一個用玉桂粉加牛油焦糖、中間加 D 美洲山核桃仁(pecan)既甜品】,聽日比老公攞番去請佢D同事食。
Sorry about responding to your post late.  I was exhausted from going to the Gym last night.  

I love cheesecakes myself, but my husband doesn't, plus I know how much calories is in just one s ...
gracechanstuart 發表於 2014-8-29 12:06 AM
You can now consume more fat after going to the gym.
It's hard to run a restaurant unless people in that area are willing to spend money.  Cheesecake...  My girlfriend loves that and she ordered three different ones and I had to finish them all after she gave up.   I don't have a gym pass.  hehe

Have you try ordering from Amazon?  I found good deals there once a while.  Will check out Fry's next time I am in Seattle because there is one in Renton.

Canada is a good place to live but everything is expensive compare to the USA.

I just learned 貓貓 is from China.  I thought she is from Malaysia...
貓貓 早晨!!
貓貓早晨. 祝香港旅途愉快. 搭巴士去好啦. 千其唔好搭馬航呀.
You can now consume more fat after going to the gym.
It's hard to run a restaurant unless people in that area are willing to spend money.  Cheesecake...  My girlfriend loves that and she ord ...
Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-29 04:37 AM
You are right! I have excuses to be bad with food after going to the gym, but I try not to.  

I'm not such a fan of restaurants all because I can cook and enjoy cooking. But once in a while, it's nice to relax and have other people serve you, especially when it's a special kind of cuisine, or some restaurant that has really good chefs.

Amazon? We do shop quite often there. But always try to pick enough to avoid shipping fees. Living in Canada might be more expensive, but health care seems to be better there than it is in the United States. Nothing is perfect, I guess.

You didn't know 貓貓 is from China?

貓貓 話佢知!!


本帖最後由 fls125 於 2014-8-29 08:12 AM 編輯

~ 貓貓 ... Pedestrian_A ... pknoface ... gracechan .... allo ....AVI ~ 早
╭♡☆放慢脚步 享受不一样的生活 °♡♥