chan200308 (型 英 帥 靚 正 chan sir)當前離線
嗰個係我踩中既85520!! gracechanstuart 發表於 2014-8-8 02:21 AM
我依家要去煮飯啦,老公就快返黎食晏啦!! 等陣如果你仲未訓,再吹啦!! gracechanstuart 發表於 2014-8-8 02:27 AM
利害,利害! pangck 發表於 2014-8-8 02:43 AM
小明家 當前離線
師奶利害 chan200308 發表於 2014-8-8 02:59 AM
gracechanstuart 當前離線
身兼3個論壇 chan200308 發表於 2014-8-8 02:56 AM
都冇人咁樣回貼 chan200308 發表於 2014-8-8 02:57 AM
Pedestrian_A (路人甲)當前離線
煮乜餐呀 2912688 chan200308 發表於 2014-8-8 02:58 AM
I'm here now. Let see who will take the $$ this time. Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-8 03:56 AM
Hi there ! How have you been? gracechanstuart 發表於 2014-8-8 04:03 AM
Sometimes, with the game they are playing here, even if you got the 明樓,your card might not be one that brings you $$$! Good luck to you all though! gracechanstuart 發表於 2014-8-8 04:05 AM
What did you cook today? Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-8 04:03 AM
Not too bad. Having lunch now... Pedestrian_A 發表於 2014-8-8 04:05 AM