本帖最後由 kimmi8k 於 2011-10-24 09:27 AM 編輯 I couldn't have agree more, all these cheats has taught Chinese one lesson,
Chinese people's heart is not cold, Chinese are so p ...
mrfusion 發表於 2011-10-22 03:14 AM  Thk you very much to share. It is a very sad case...now I can see the matter in better light.
Long time ago, hikers often got a ride easily. But some nuts n nerds abused kindness with cars who stopped, and robbed them too. These days cars don't really stop for hitch hikers too, for the same reasons.
And there's also cases, where help was offered to strangers, and later found they hve withdraw their savings fr the ATM ...n their home were robbed.
And the more extreme cases, were a night out hanging in clubs with some strangers, ended the next morning in some motel bathroom tub covered with ice, and with an incision on the body, and organs removed. I heard selling organs in the black market is quite ruthless and cold blooded.
Deceiving and misleading superstitious claims of baby tonic soup sold in restaurants for selfish means n gains are extremely disturbing and discomforting.
It is true to a certain extend, that con mans and swindlers have made it fearful for the general public to offer a helping hand.
I definitely agreed with you, the coldness in China were to some extend affected and caused by people who have abused kindness with cheating n deceitful means.
I am sure, there are still many people who are kind and helpful. |