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Quite nice post, but...
9 h+ ]/ g% m. T( bos.tvboxnow.com; `- ]7 ?1 ~/ ]/ y5 C3 f0 t) o
3 Y, g" J9 {# S( {        因爲他們自己知道.只有在煙霧中才能憶起他們過去美好的時光來尋求一點心裏的平衡.   公仔箱論壇# E1 \' q" _8 W* w' _- l
os.tvboxnow.com3 N: H& U4 F6 O4 j' R# p. Y9 Q
This one can be used on women too, I think men hate their girlfriends smoke more than woman la...women need the balance too