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这都是男人为他们自已找的借口吧! !
it's all BULL SHIT!!!
( L% }) ^3 o8 D- \% ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1. being strong is all for attracting girls...
2 O3 b3 y: Q+ [0 o, w/ C7 r公仔箱論壇2. no tears cuz nothing te sed about...% Q" B' b; [; [( z7 c. V
3. smoking is all for attracting girls...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。! q5 O/ \, F9 Q, R* o. {+ k. a
4. say hi again cuz he wants to fuck her again...
, b0 j/ M$ a- i公仔箱論壇5. no face ar ma...
) p/ o/ T6 W: O6. get drunk(usually come with tears) cuz he dosen't have a girl to fuck with...
8 b. ]" g  z5 R' [2 Aos.tvboxnow.com7. no face ar ma...
! y* R2 c' K/ b' X) G( z, ]' x3 i- p: X8. he dosen't love her for sure...os.tvboxnow.com, X# P$ F& b: ]- F7 W7 \7 V
9. he mines that he might not the first one to fuck her...
/ {( E; x( c) e; F. a: P! b2 |10. he is thinking ways of dumping her...9 |% _4 x7 r: }' T4 V
11. he just dosen't wanna take responsibilities...公仔箱論壇- F) t& W% N' _" D* h) l1 A, T
12. cuz he got no girls to fuck with( holand moon law...)os.tvboxnow.com' Q- W+ g! b7 ~, T# s
this is only for those female who dosen't know the male very well
☆9.女人永遠也不知道男人爲什麽會那麽在意你以前的男朋友?   * F3 Q2 \. t9 ~! P+ Q0 q- v
(m0k!z$G0z&T7STVBNOW 論壇        因爲他們自己知道.並不是他們不自信.只是他們害怕有一天你會離他而去.  
3 b5 ?6 v& ~+ e# r2 V9 x. x/ F7 d公仔箱論壇*~+u2o/Q9@%O-a2y7\
it's so good!!
nice post~! i like tis~!
sounds sweet .....but dont know if it is 100% true
sounds sweet .....but dont know if it is 100% true