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[新聞] 8.21重組漁護署大遊行 QUEST FOR THE REFORMATION OF THE AFCD (8.21Parade)

Received an email from friend and I think it is time for us to take action and do something on the incident.  Hoping members will participate the invitation.  The email is as follows :

A parade for the betterment of animals!

Received an email from friend and I think it is time for us to take action and do something on the incident.  Hoping members will participate the invitation.  The email is as follows :

A parade for the betterment of animals!

Received an email from friend and I think it is time for us to take action and do something on the incident.  Hoping members will participate the invitation.  The email is as follows :

A parade for the betterment of animals!

Date: 21st August, 2010 (Saturday)

Time: 3:00pm (assembly time),4:00pm (start out)

Charter Garden, Central, HK (Marching to Central Government Offices)
Participants with their accompanied pets can gather on the pavement outside the garden.

Participants could dress in black to represent the contempt to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) which exhibits its brutality and red-tape toward the animals.

Advocated by a group of volunteers pressing the government for a comprehensive and effective “Animal Protection Constitution”.


1. We denounce the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department AFCD for its violent handling of the 2 stray dogs at Kingwood Ginza Plaza. We also show our discontent to the Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals, which meant to harbour AFCD’s imprudence in July. We suggested that their annual budget should be reduced for the payment to operate other animal-friendly organizations.

2. We demand for a formal conference with the Director of AFCD, Mr. Alan Wong Chi-kong(JP), Dr. York Chow Yat-ngok(GBS, JP), Secretary for Food and Health, and Ms Eva Cheng(JP), Secretary for Transport and Housing, for the draft and discussion of “Animal Protection Constitution” in Hong Kong.

3. We appreciate celebrities who attend to support our action and voice for the animals. However, promotion in any political or commercial basis is not encouraged.

= Trap, Neuter, Return =「捕捉、絕育、放回」),及以合約制,把資源轉投放至其他動物團體。
4. We demand to dissolve the exsiting animal control team. Moreover, we request that the government should mark out official feeding stations of community dogs and cats, and to exercise our long-proposed “Trap, Neuter and Return (TNR)” policy for stray and wild animals. If not, budget shoould be drawn up for other non-governmental animal welfare groups for their expenses of the above plan.

5. We hope to marshal various voluntary groups for drafting the “Animal Protection Constitution”. This Constitution should be brought into the code of morals of the AFCD officials, after scrutinized by the LEGCO members. We also quest for a reformation of the AFCD leadership.

6. We demand recruitment of animal police for cases of animal abuse independently.

7. We demand for a systematic check for animal ranches and their transactions of pets and animals in Hong Kong by the government.