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wow..just wake up..so nice~

u work late night yesterday?
yup,work last nite...
i see...eh, i thought u said last week...u off for 6 days is it??
haha... is from today onward off till sun...
ohh....nice!! so envy can rest so many days~
i already long time din rest so long~~~
this is after 1 year 1st time get so long~~~
haha..i see~ then u must really take a good rest during this holiday!!

so other than go KL shopping..where else u going?
haha... sure will njoy myself...
juz go to KL shopping...
haha ...i see..so other day will just rest in home?
haha... ya lo...~~~
haha...din't go hang out with friends?
no la...
better resting at home...
somemore my friends all working...
护士姐姐可能已经写好佐shoping list
QQ 午安
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