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6 w/ |$ @/ \5 W, u( U& Htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb呵呵 這題目以前做過了
+ k7 O( n) t/ n# o* j: u8 y  _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb不過忘記是多久做出來的公仔箱論壇/ {1 e9 Q7 L  `& d) k% h
0 z" e- j4 Z. M- Z. x公仔箱論壇推~
i also not so comfirm bout my ans.......so hope tat the ans i got nearly the same wit u
haha get it la let me check check sin
X( =((
it's a very good question!!!

回復第 1 帖由 MagicAndy 所發的帖子

divide it into pile and wait , then use the heavy side and divided into two pile and weight, and take out the heavy side which remain3 then take any two to weifht ,if both side even then the odd one is hte different one ,and if one side is heavier than the other ,then you know the answer.
see see


let me see
first divide it into 3 groups... 4 for each group...
/ p  I+ b" j$ S' m% v2 `den use 2 groups to test... if the weight is same... den throw away these 2 groups.. if not... use another 1 group to test with tat 2 groups... throw away the same weight groups...
) H: E) z9 ?) b! _+ x4 kos.tvboxnow.comden... left 4 balls...
! u: @7 B* P. A, itvb now,tvbnow,bttvbwhen u use tat 3 groups to test... u oredi know it is heavier or not...
* }( L8 d" B$ y8 ?1 F8 i/ r# U& Los.tvboxnow.comso when testing these 4 balls... u juz nit 2 find out the heavier or lighter 1...
! e; X: p0 I6 e# h  m3 o  wtake the heavier or lighter 1... throw away tat 2 normal ball...公仔箱論壇6 ^( }7 V: ?0 g( J1 t
den u juz nit 2 test the last 2 balls...* H8 D+ S$ D+ D3 N9 @* k4 t
same for now... take the heavier or lighter 1...