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0 ?" J/ t& `4 v- h) htvb now,tvbnow,bttvb不一定吧,關鍵是要看拍在哪里,如果是拍在“馬屁”上,百分之百是要“響”的。
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 V# i3 c; ?7 x7 Q* j, {/ n
搬起石頭砸了自己的腳1 Z0 G# o) s+ J, a- t
公仔箱論壇# m1 \1 F) ~5 {" N5 ~, |' ]
3 y. v0 [0 V" J3 D4 vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb不光是姜太公,所有人的釣魚,都是“願者上鉤”。每一次“上鉤”看上去似乎是騙局,其實都是貪心的“魚兒”心甘情願的“奉獻”。

4 R" _, u5 `" H" R- z# @os.tvboxnow.com一粒老鼠屎,壞了一鍋湯) {2 k# C) ^( @( O8 _8 h

* F/ A( [  ^: o. R+ itvb now,tvbnow,bttvb癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉
6 X& M! H# B9 Sos.tvboxnow.com如今已經沒有人再嘲笑“癩蛤蟆”的癡心妄想了,因為人們知道,只要有了權和錢,就沒有什麼辦不成的事情。一只有錢或有權的癩蛤蟆,想吃或者真的吃到了鳳凰肉——也許是龍肉,人們也不再感到奇怪,何況是天鵝肉。
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 x7 ^# J. T4 I! y1 F5 N
! u& X/ c0 w- s8 i% F2 X& Tos.tvboxnow.com相同的說法是“朋友多了路好走”。“多條路”也好,“路好走”也罷,都突現了“朋友”的功利性。當世人都把“朋友”當成“路”來看待時,這個世界上就沒有了真正的“朋友”。
公仔箱論壇3 k- X/ w" @& S& A. q" J
. D9 r- P  l6 ]$ f沒有什麼好奇怪的,經驗豐富的挑刺專家說,讓雞蛋孵著,等到裏面孵出小雞來,不就能挑出骨頭來了嗎?
well for me the different perspective for Friendship. in this modem world we need to have friend to help us to solve problems, whatever the internal problems of yours (motitional) or external problems (work, commicate), but i could not fully disagree with what you said at the end. for what i am thinking is i will treat friend in different ways. sometime we ought to play the way of scetical for friend, because we don Know whether he or she have think kindly in their inner heart, whether or not they been thinking to use you as well or not. On the other hand, if the person i classify as my closer friend i won't be have that behavour and i will trust he or she
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