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[自拍] aaaabbbbbb...long time no c.....

 ,  描述: 兒童不宜!XD
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幾好樣。。需要多D肌肉~~可能HK唔興肌肉。。 不過OK嘅
haha , HK係興肌肉 but he don't have it
点解我同TEK分手都唔揾男朋友呢? 米就系因为~~~ 無人夠佢身材好囖~~
唉~真係可惜 i'm not living in Houton
挖靠 这算什么
ok la

回復第 4 帖由 lil_yuky 所發的帖子

hahaha ... 我身材都算唔错ga 公仔箱論壇; Y4 `3 L2 b! |/ W  z' l
够多肥肉 ...% c3 y7 H5 Z3 |3 x) b
hahhaahaha XD
damn Man. YOU LOOK LIKE SUCH A GENTLEMNN AND A HANDSOME dude. even though i have more muscle than yuo but i look 10x worst than you do=) GOGO 爸打!!
waa really long time no c ar... maybe i should start postin picpics bk in here again 2 lol...
$ l  ]" B- S- [7 |/ dos.tvboxnow.comsup. u as usuall la^^


nice one dude

i thinks u r too thin...i more alethic...sure better than u

原帖由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-28 09:55 AM 發表。 ! ^* x4 s, {- O% G8 v  e* X
幾好樣。。需要多D肌肉~~可能HK唔興肌肉。。 不過OK嘅
os.tvboxnow.com8 l6 W; w; F4 W9 F! d# m
os.tvboxnow.com" t, P" U+ j% {2 I% R( {