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開車時遇滂沱大雨..如何讓視線變得清楚os.tvboxnow.com, E! U! ^$ Z9 F2 u% U2 {3 J& K8 g

7 d3 x" C+ X) t2 [" @/ J
8 c! U: y6 r3 y$ Q$ t- D. n% \os.tvboxnow.com開車時遇滂沱大雨..如何讓視線變得清楚, I* R& j! E' ?1 ~) p
許多開車朋友, 大概都遭遇過類似情況, 遇到滂沱大雨時, 就算雨刷給它用力地刷,
3 b4 b# s0 N" s" u" S. P! c. _' \公仔箱論壇刷到最快速, 也依然看不清前方的視線及車距..... z; j3 H4 w- D' G% U- ?
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ E1 R6 b9 F' C, j$ @3 }9 D0 i
某天, 偶然由一位警察朋友口中得知, 遇到這種情況時, 不妨戴上墨鏡, 任何款式皆
1 H$ e9 V+ L# v$ t# Nos.tvboxnow.com可, 然後..... 神奇的事情就會發生啦~~~
+ \9 R5 `- f) \os.tvboxnow.com
5 h1 n$ N3 z/ ?- P0 ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb突然間, 原本如豆大般狂洩而下, 幾乎遮住所有視線的傾盆大雨, 好像變不見了....os.tvboxnow.com! R) N, V& ]- J& u* j" E5 U
眼中看到的, 只剩下前方的車輛... ..... 既清楚又不必擔心視線不清...1 E' A; B& i1 f, i5 ]3 h; t# `. x. h" n

9 v, P! a; X. w6 @3 bos.tvboxnow.com好東西要和好朋友分享... 好資訊當然更要讓你知道囉..../ Z5 [0 P5 N$ ^
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 X' @, g: L( D
在車上準備一副墨鏡吧..... 有機會不妨試試, 若真能因此而提高生命安全的保障,


  • zactlion1899

true or not?os.tvboxnow.com3 m% D4 N  [9 k" Y- f- ^  l" w
i go to try it
+ @9 A$ [( C8 C  ]公仔箱論壇thx for share
i go to try it
4 Z# U8 f  I; \: Qthx for share
will that be a problem if wearing sunglasses in the rainy days, as the light may be insuffient, and you may not get a clear look if the any pedestrian around??


  • wwinglin

tried. it's useful.
yes,i had try it before,it worked,thankyou
hm.. does it work at night?
true or not???iTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。7 j- \2 H/ }( _1 s' q# i  q( G
i want try! because everytime raining i willl park my car at roadsidetvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% ^9 \( I" K+ p5 I8 n4 a
is it real??? I should give this a try tonite coz rain soooo heavy
true or not?
: z7 K4 U* j% \+ j- z* [i go to try it
0 O. U4 C' k: ?7 U; I+ C7 {tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbthx for shar
thx for sharing
yes, i tried before, but not suitable for night time.

+ Q+ r5 Q  U; ~( ?  g( a$ f9 {9 z2 TTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。下次試試~: |: N' |& v/ C, a6 _, x7 d' ^