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[出賣] 我在HSBC Malaysia的生活

tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ Z8 t; r* [- S
公仔箱論壇' o: P, h( h8 ~+ L0 e0 L, e

* G+ s/ c0 b; Y6 b) j/ W3 M) |$ o+ ntvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
& f+ Y2 o% \9 J9 I1 G/ S公仔箱論壇
wow looks like u guys r havin soo much fun!!!
9 K) p# j( a3 k. L; Jos.tvboxnow.comwhich one is u ar guM?
you have a very big team of friends ar ~~~~:onion05: os.tvboxnow.com$ K+ S/ m& A8 M: F7 L
! |, V* _# \$ T6 q, }% @6 R! J
so cool ar
人生不在乎得到什麼, 只在乎做過什麼!
seems like so happening :)* n0 X' G: t& p$ T. g! `1 H$ x
边一度架 HSBC 啊~

thx sharing
2 ^" w! C- x' i1 m+ }, pr u waer balck t shirt??
I am a guy wear a car shirt, the youngest in our company.
looks like u guys r having lots of fun......really happy group of ppl  :onion05:
. k" Q* J8 T! ?1 y公仔箱論壇tanks 4 sharing  :onion14: