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I have watched the whole drama.
. v( i1 X) \+ S4 M8 G/ m4 ^* xtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbIt is pretty good.公仔箱論壇- \4 C' B( N. q
I like the background music; it is very familiar to me.8 Q$ K7 r8 c& m5 }) w/ z& n: Q
I do not know the name.
5 e# A+ L- R) |3 ^3 [7 KLuckily, there is the OST available.
; Z: |4 ~4 B  c7 E/ Oos.tvboxnow.comThanks for your sharing
thanks so much....thanks for sharing...^.^
這是好劇集, 多謝各字幕組的努力.
thanks for sharing
thx for sharing~
( {6 W* T4 V0 U# K3 j- A" e: L公仔箱論壇yuta!
that ' s good
1 J" d4 J4 C. F0 \  {os.tvboxnow.comi want see os.tvboxnow.com" ?" J9 \1 P1 a$ N* I" S2 e6 Y/ T
Thank you
Thanks a lot!
thank you so much!!!
Thank you for sharing
thankz for sharing
thank  for u 3# ac777