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wahhhh really thank ~~~~
' \$ f6 H' a! a' K  g8 }( M/ Rthank u for sharing so wonderfull topic to me and evrybody~~~~~~
7 P+ M; m/ Z; e$ H- D, {os.tvboxnow.comcan gv me know more about thai~~~
做得好做做得好:onion31: :onion31: :onion31: :onion31: :onion31: :onion31: :onion31: :onion31: :onion31: :onion31:
thanks for your useful info. :
pulau phuket!! wowow!!thanks for sharing tis information !! so nice!! useful !!
thx for sharing
thank you
Thank you very much!!! :onion31: :onion05:
d相影得好好啊 搞到我都好想去呢
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Yery good ! thanks for the sharing
thank you

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i will go phuket this may..公仔箱論壇/ o& T$ U. ]6 r+ B, \
thx for ur sharing...  v5 l' j2 {" J, S2 g$ D6 |
so that i not be blur blur there..
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thx u
thanks for sharing