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thank you so mush
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Thanks for sharing
^^" k5 p; M  U* Q6 o" K3 m- Q1 o, k
喜歡上戶彩! I7 L) S* a3 c/ j. U# _
謝謝分享她主演的日劇 看似不錯!
想看想看想看.... 謝謝 ^-^
上戶彩 is very charming, I hope this is a good TV drama. Thanks for you guys' hard works to provide us so much entertaining time.
hmm... never really wanted to watch this until now.. see see.." Q' s# |4 t1 E7 ~- \+ A; _

' m! U3 l; R1 D3 |公仔箱論壇thanks!
hmm... never really wanted to watch this until now.. see see..% D( \' J2 n: I9 ~* ^- _, z
& x4 |. X, V( Z5 W8 z