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0 K+ D; i! Z8 X2 w0 X. `0 h$ c公仔箱論壇
, I; k% w( c: ^7 P5 e2 F, Y- Q1 H# J你地見到D咩..個倒影多左D野>____<

" |5 u0 m, Y* o( p0 T2 V
+ M! z$ R3 ~: j0 b$ `* g9 ~& NTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。[ 本帖最後由 christy79 於 2007-8-17 12:25 AM 編輯 ]
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see nothing ....
( M# j, p* u! y4 N" G* x公仔箱論壇picture cant view ..
莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君. 穆里尼奥, 一路走好..
-.-"  no picture~~~~~  
awww~ the puppys are sOoOo cute
& Z1 \2 _6 U" r" N; U% K. Z5 w0 y7 \

! X% Z* S. j3 f+ W8 B9 |6 H8 Cos.tvboxnow.comwa~! 6 W4 x0 {# Y; e6 @

/ f' I+ P0 G. Dos.tvboxnow.comwhat is the reflection of? it looks ugly ">_>
# S$ y# d* a2 g6 t
. K0 P4 {8 A. S+ i4 }* x4 O9 u9 J0 [i think it l0oks like a human and an ape...its fat lips make me think of an ape... o_0"
3 e4 \( ~$ V3 ^2 }6 D1 B2 e) w8 L! X' K
[ 本帖最後由 小☆天使 於 2007-8-14 08:18 PM 編輯 ]
r click pic,open 內容,copy url.open new site can see it
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& \0 A; I2 }' c" {" K0 L' {: f公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb0 Q7 _0 R5 l! n" P" x& X
[ ????? anson9354 ? 2007-8-18 06:43 PM ?? ]
:onion03: :onion03: