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原帖由 -=uni=- 於 8/2/2006 01:23 PM 發表。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb! Q+ i/ J6 p& v. l7 i) m

- I& f1 g& g% A' }4 S9 X
! r6 p; g: @% }公仔箱論壇actually i'm not sure does it exist before....:L
1 i$ w& j, |; i2 Y2 B  P公仔箱論壇tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& H# d, H% {: s/ S/ D
cos there are no information for this animal:L
- h# S$ O# }# ]6 e2 Q6 X+ W4 H
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb8 d6 z6 I% c7 e2 n* e

% b6 R: B: E; a公仔箱論壇Yo! it just looks like some P.S. stuff!
thanks for sharing
原帖由 kimikimikimi 於 2006-8-3 02:12 PM 發表。
8 Q0 x, L" d2 pare they all does exist????????
# K0 U) Z3 n/ C, k# s6 }& }8 y  STVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。; N9 B. `( q3 n8 w; L8 c) ^  I
Because we did not take care of our planet and possibly overkilling these animals for their skins too. Those skins are valuable for expensive accessories and decorations.
Thnx for sharing........
长见识了 谢谢楼主

回復第 2 帖由 出奇蛋oO 所發的帖子

ya it's true, i read an article about these animals before, it did exist
) r- m1 g0 z5 }5 vos.tvboxnow.combut it's a pity tat they are all gone now
good to know..............thanks.........................
hao de
hao de
thanks for sharing