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原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-23 12:13 AM 發表

what"s the 精神上X(  咁金錢上呢:@  
今日do u have buy ?_?
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-8-23 12:12 AM 發表
yea.... not much Chinese live over here.... but quite a bit of Hmong n Koreans.... that's kinda werid....
我呢到就真係無咩asian 喇~~
la la la la ~~~
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-8-23 12:13 AM 發表
MN has nuttin lol... wildlife lor.... moose n deer n forest.... haha... o yea... lake superior lol
=D>接近大自然。。好 ^^
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:14 AM 發表

東南西北都有齊喎~~   :lol
yep^^been to most of the city in cal
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-23 12:14 AM 發表

a state of nth man....:L
gum where u live ar?
年尾有花红???  $-)  $-)  $-) ;P
原帖由 ed_teck 於 2006-8-23 12:16 AM 發表

=D>接近大自然。。好 ^^
上個禮拜有2隻鹿行過添~~  hahhaa   :))
la la la la ~~~
i really like CA... wish i can move thurr=.=
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-23 12:16 AM 發表

yep^^been to most of the city in cal
我去過berkeley讀summer school

la la la la ~~~
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-8-23 12:16 AM 發表

gum where u live ar?
hi~who ar u? 可以介紹下ma~~ o岩o岩游完水番上黎都唔知你乜水tim :P
原帖由 忌廉妹 於 2006-8-23 12:17 AM 發表

上個禮拜有2隻鹿行過添~~  hahhaa   :))
waaa but i thought u live in NY ga wor... do u live out in da country??
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-8-23 12:17 AM 發表
i really like CA... wish i can move thurr=.=
now Im in SF next month will move to Sacramento
原帖由 泰利26 於 2006-8-23 12:18 AM 發表

hi~who ar u? 可以介紹下ma~~ o岩o岩游完水番上黎都唔知你乜水tim :P
i'm the new baby in this fam. ar^^ my name is Epie...... uuu???
原帖由 s30wrt 於 2006-8-23 12:19 AM 發表

now Im in SF next month will move to Sacramento
icic.... i've been 2 SF n LA... but i've never beem 2 Sacramento..... wut's in thurr ar gum???
原帖由 creamy 於 2006-8-23 12:19 AM 發表

i'm the new baby in this fam. ar^^ my name is Epie...... uuu???
你係傳說中潛左2日水ga 呀妹 =.="  我叫terry,係你呀哥~:D