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回復 #1 MagicAndy 的帖子

i wan to know
thank you for sharing
look at it
i noe de ans cauz 1 do b4 already ^^tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb2 z+ N8 @( B% P6 G
1st u divide the ball into two group (i group 6 ball)! d- ]6 s& @: K" e
then 称 them c which side is the heavy os.tvboxnow.com# z  r2 U" T3 l5 F
then use the heavy side divide into 3 group 1group contain 2 ball 称 the 1st n 2nd group if its balance use the 3th group
0 o0 D  H* m$ p" l) e, z公仔箱論壇if not balance take the heavy and then os.tvboxnow.com. O1 n" t; C7 C( P! O
take the heavy group divided into 2 group i group contain 1 ball than 称 it
" [) r5 b0 g0 A+ qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbthan the heavy ball is the ball u wan

回復 #1 MagicAndy 的帖子

Oh..i did the same way as the first answer~am i wrong??Let me check~:onion18:
" }- w  }" G" sTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。(不知各位知不知道小弟说的解答,因为小弟不擅长解说)
thx 4 sharing

回復 #1 MagicAndy 的帖子

简单到。。分3份。。每份4个。。第一次称。。必然知道3份中哪份包括异常的。。第二次..把包括的那份2:2的称。。又知道异常的一边os.tvboxnow.com- e; d, w9 i& m# p2 d8 \- S; V2 r+ Y
idk..show me