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回應 admin 第 1 篇文章

感謝大大清楚的教學喔,又學會一招燒錄不同檔案的絕招了' I4 q) F7 h9 m# j9 K6 P
& ]! L9 {( A0 G, |$ h. k* I感激不盡啊!!大大又讓小弟的功力更精進一層囉!!!

回應 admin 第 1 篇文章

Thanks for sharing...
i have a question about the burning process. Is there anyway that can burn more chapters into one DVD? Its only can put 2 chapters only in one DVD according to the above process? its seems need more DVDs to finish one series.
thank you for sharing
thank u
[HDzone]Moonlight Resonance_VCD-RMVB_27是141MB但制作不到DVD
Thanks !!
Thanks so much for sharing!!!
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thx for sharing
thanks for sharing
Nice info thxs,os.tvboxnow.com" Z2 X$ w) q$ w2 m8 S
can anyone tell me how to load my avata?
! X7 ~' n- Q7 b  ^; [tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
, Z7 t! i5 _( \6 D0 Q) l9 Xkam seah
thanks a lot
You can add chapter. You can burn 8-10 episode in a dvd. The more you add the video qualityos.tvboxnow.com- S3 D9 w* U7 S& h  p* O