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the cast is so strong! must see ah. thanks for sharing ep01!
it's quite interesting story. thanks for sharing ep02!
seldom am i be interested in history drama but this is really fun to watch. thanks for sharing ep04!
thanks for sharing ep05!! can't believe history drama is interesting, too:P
thanks for sharing ep06! is the war coming?
the director is very good. i'm looking forward to the nex episode every week. thanks for sharing ep07.
thanks for sharing ep08. wish the preview i saw was not true~~阿部寬, don't leave us~~
no~~~~~ though i know the history already, it's still sad to see him leave this drama.  thanks for sharing ep09~
it seems that the story just start a new beginning... thanks for sharing ep10!
thanks for sharing ep11!! so many things that you wish you could skip but couldn't since you're the lord now..kinda sad..
ep12 seems to be a very important one. thanks for sharing~
so sad seeing brothers fighting each other. thanks for sharing ep13.
thanks for sharing ep14.. it's so sad to see families fighting each other...
feel kinda lost when 玉山鐵二 is gone.. thanks for sharing ep16.
thanks for sharing ep17. so sad the history is...