DOBI 當前離線
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-3 01:16 PM 發表 why not show us all ! unless u think he is not handsome la !
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-3 01:18 PM 發表 boyboy...why you want to see why are you so interest in me
原帖由 贱狼人 於 2008-11-3 01:18 PM 發表 毛都好说酱久
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-3 01:22 PM 發表 she doesn't like me from the very beginning la from the first day we meet
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-3 01:23 PM 發表 what are u talking about ? did u put the wrong name in there ?
原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-11-3 01:24 PM 發表 係囉, 個森林咁大, 想斷我米路呀! 477215
原帖由 贱狼人 於 2008-11-3 01:27 PM 發表 then why u never think about me
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-3 01:27 PM 發表 I'm rather dreaming of what u & dobi is doing every night ! I think is more "Interesting" to see ! XXXX rated ........... pretty girl and a guy ............. take ...
原帖由 贱狼人 於 2008-11-3 01:28 PM 發表 boyboy 是基佬
原帖由 贱狼人 於 2008-11-3 01:30 PM 發表 好啊,我全身都是
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-3 01:31 PM 發表 u are such a nice person !! or u think u are just perfect match with an ugly guy !! Y not show his and ur pic, let us see see !
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-3 01:31 PM 發表 dobi only like ugly boys jar
原帖由 boy12 於 2008-11-3 01:33 PM 發表 nono ! boyboy is good boy !
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-3 01:38 PM 發表 don't know....she has too much secret maybe manyiu is a boy in real life
原帖由 blueocean 於 2008-11-3 01:44 PM 發表 I am going to sleep too I am very tire too