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我一開始學車係學 Auto, "手動" 係我住果個國度, 唔係好多人識, 我冇得比較. 淨係知到 行 High way 時, V6 or V8 正過細馬力D車仔, 甚至行車時間 穩定好多! 所以我要我啊爸俾部 大馬力的車我用, 因為我每日番學要行 高速公路嘛!
原帖由 qqbubu 於 2009-2-23 08:52 AM 發表
QQ, 如果你果部車係 V6 or V8, 上山好掂嫁喎!
原帖由 fly814 於 2009-2-24 10:30 AM 發表
Tell you guys a little bit secret about myself...
I'm a PCA driver... (Porsches club association..)
Certainly.., manuel is way better than automative...
If anyone would like to learn about drivi ...
Hi, fly, you are super!  I really want to learn how to operate a "back wheel drive" vehicle in the snowing period! I had a bad experience by going down hill on the heavy snow day! I felt so bad as while I couldn't stop when going up hill, and couldn't  stop when going down hill! That was my terrible experience I hadn't had before!
原帖由 841005 於 2009-2-28 01:42 AM 發表
呢位會員, 淨係用 公仔 icon, 冇文字=灌水, 小心被減分呀!