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回復 #3624 bourget 的帖子

we all know nto first time la, so why need to play ar, waste of time really

回復 #3668 woofy 的帖子

home ur head haha1 qucik qucik go support me la

回復 #3670 woofy 的帖子

botto of main page

回復 #3672 boy12 的帖子

回復 #3675 woofy 的帖子

becasue this one is difficult to manage ar ma haha, i like difficult thing like u.

by the way are u not feeling too happy today?

回復 #3679 woofy 的帖子

wah! u not difficult? but i can feel that u are not that happy today! a bit moody mood ha!

回復 #3678 woofy 的帖子

support ban boy12 forever haha!!!! make him to make post again hehe

回復 #3683 woofy 的帖子

i am still eating chinese take away wor, so cheap there.

回復 #3685 woofy 的帖子

i said the moderator is difficult to apply, as difficult as u.

and i feels that u have not got a good mood today1

回復 #3689 harugawa 的帖子

how about me haha are u going to send me some????

回復 #3688 woofy 的帖子

u are difficult to ask to do something ar ma, kick u 100 times still no go......
you two rich woman when will u give me some money, i can eat soft rice for a day wor, i don;t mind ga ha!

回復 #3695 woofy 的帖子

  why me slow? i am always good to you wor
i can help u to eat 熊喵媽媽's icq cream for u, tell her to throw it on the street and i will open my mouth to catch it for u and taste it for u.......see! i am good to you la1

回復 #3698 woofy 的帖子

limited edition dog food ice cream is that ok with u?

回復 #3701 woofy 的帖子
