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bourget don;t talk to us again?

回復 #3231 woofy 的帖子

wah!! me??? must be u la.....how can u be sure is me?????

回復 #3232 jeo 的帖子

避下雨????? 落雨嗎??????? 不能看到

回復 #3262 woofy 的帖子


回復 #3273 shyyy 的帖子

點解第一日加入就問人取金錢 你係唔係已經玩過呢度?

回復 #3279 woofy 的帖子

today i finish wok at around 3:30am.then finish dinner at around 4 o clock.......cannot go to sleep yet so stress..........i cannot believe after christmas more busy!

回復 #3287 woofy 的帖子

我地一齊啦 拜拜
haha i got minus one dollar don;t know why
yes ar haha i suddenly minus one dollar cash????? so funny....i like 楊 怡 more than ella koon 100 times!

回復 #3317 woofy 的帖子

where is what?..now money back to plus la.

回復 #3319 woofy 的帖子

hahaa how???? i think more than one dolalr maybe.....hahah ..can u check record?

回復 #3321 woofy 的帖子

haha ot need la only dd things i don;t mind haha........i am lacking of moeny give me some la!
me too!!!!!!!! u.k.
cov is small haha i cannot believe it.

回復 #3584 woofy 的帖子

coventry is not big place ar.......only 13 miles across!!! i scare la haha!!!