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回復 #1977 leo_04236 的帖子

i have got on already i on ask ask no worry about it...

回復 #1981 bourget 的帖子

what can we go then??????

回復 #1987 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

wah u eat banana la..ur company so messed up!!!!!!!! boy12 and me try to help but it is gone too far.....

回復 #1991 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

you double ur sun ka, see how long can u laught lor.....hahaahahahaha
Why you have to KEEP on saying you are 新人 but not 舊人???????
does it matter to you that much????:onion14:

回復 #2010 bourget 的帖子

you are taking a micky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISNEY!!!!!!
last stock market there is a company called 海賊王, that must be your big brother la........ bourget have you got the past stock market info, check who owns 海賊王 company last time?
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-19 04:56 AM 發表 甘都比你稔到。。。felix 好野 !! but I don't think he's the one !!!!!
of course la i remember most of the name and stock wor hahahaha:onion14:

回復 #2020 bourget 的帖子

so keep ur shares forever?????

回復 #2027 bourget 的帖子

me too, u buy me a lot u got to give me a chance to buy some !!!!!:onion03:

回復 #2029 bourget 的帖子

yeah that is better la..........disney world yeah yeah!!!!!!!!!

回復 #2171 woofy 的帖子

hello....lei ho.....
i just buy out somone ;'s company
he ask me to give him back but then i will lose money about 10m what can i do, gieve him back????

回復 #2178 woofy 的帖子

suck it dry i still lose money.........but then he will have no company la.........angel and devil one side each....