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回復 #1903 bourget 的帖子

hehe when disney open buy all disney shares hehehehehehehe........make u zero shares hehehehehehehehehehe,,,,,, u can p.m. me if u want to get back shares hahahahahahahaha

回復 #1904 woofy 的帖子

u must be eating noodles again hahahaha........that is my feeling hahaha:014:

回復 #1907 woofy 的帖子

if u want i can give u some cat noodles ...how do u want me to cook it? i have got some wonton as well...do u want some on top?

回復 #1908 bourget 的帖子

keep all urs and u will cry haha then u will start to say.......FELIX come out release shares!!!!!!!

回復 #1909 bourget 的帖子

cat's banana??? go and have a look ur pic, HELLO KITTY!!!!

回復 #1914 woofy 的帖子

no la.becasue of that call out i cannot eat at home today, i bought some take away(take out)
hahah banana company nearly 20% la i can take money AGAIN .........4m richer haha......

回復 #1917 woofy 的帖子

you screen licking dog!!!!!! haha.....ooooo forgot u are rude to me...i complain to admin hahahahaha
i am read for disney when will it open?:019:
anyone here ?????

回復 #1924 engchang 的帖子

no share left. me only holding 52%

回復 #1927 bourget 的帖子

u said who 怪怪地
why me 怪怪地??????:019:

回復 #1934 woofy 的帖子

甚麼 problems?????????