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回復 #1276 woofy 的帖子

i do not need to be smart i just need to ask haha......

回復 #1276 woofy 的帖子

hahah i know how old u are now, u are in ur 40s.......fourty something?
fourty what woofy tell me?

回復 #1279 woofy 的帖子

haha u born in 90s i know now hahahahahaha

回復 #1281 woofy 的帖子

yes! my great grand mother was, u are right, she pass away a few years ago la wor......u are ghost?

回復 #1283 woofy 的帖子

lovely........i have nightmare everyday, day time......now night time as well really lovely.....so when and where lei?

回復 #1285 woofy 的帖子

friday and saturday i normally sleep really late haha......

i think now u are more scare than i am. at the moment....why do u need to worry?

回復 #1285 woofy 的帖子

day time my phone never stop ringing if i am out of office if i am in i usually play computer plus people give me hassel by ask me how to do this how to do that..........that is a nightmare.

回復 #1288 woofy 的帖子

haha who can answer my mobile phone lei!!!!!  
i do sleep, when i sleep no one can wake me up unless i got bookings........
no night mares......

回復 #1291 woofy 的帖子

very soon la!!!!!!!!! u must want to see me in my dream la hahahahaha......
don;t worry i still have not got any dirty freams yet!!!

回復 #1293 woofy 的帖子

sorry i don;t really have dirty dream wor.........

hor hor i have to say i rather see u then anyone else

回復 #1297 woofy 的帖子

getting hungry and sleep, u must want to eat me then...........:sleeps: :sleeps:
me too sleep lor.

回復 #1302 bourget 的帖子

yes may i help u? tea or coffee ? u want a piece of cake? :onion14:

回復 #1304 bourget 的帖子

banana splitt....haha  that is a very good one i like it.........next week i will open a company..so u know what is the name of ti?

hello sexy woofy how are u today?