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Robben's joy as he lands five-year deal

Arjen Robben is ready to sign a new five-yearcontract at Chelsea after Jose Mourinho changedhis mind about the winger.
( S5 h! N% `$ _5 O! Tos.tvboxnow.comThe Dutchman’s father and agentHans Robben has said he does notexpect “any big problems any more” innegotiations, even though the twoparties are a small way apart on wages. os.tvboxnow.com* U% p- t+ Y/ a( o5 K" `% m' h2 W

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7 a& v+ J  J4 p! _1 |4 p& |公仔箱論壇Ups and downs: Arjen Robben, injured by Wes Brown’s FA Cup Final tackle, is staying at Stamford Bridge
' K- K+ p" f. H" ]8 [( F公仔箱論壇os.tvboxnow.com1 C4 Q- C9 E+ ?

" V5 i$ ^+ o% M: p) {TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
; S/ V  _" `2 Hos.tvboxnow.comThe last set of talks were held twoweeks ago and no more are planned yetbut the 23-year-old has said publicly hewants to stay and a deal is expected tobe completed by the end of June.os.tvboxnow.com- Q; N+ x5 S: L8 U6 j- g
An important factor in the optimismis the opinion of head coach Mourinhowho, privately, had been critical ofRobben.% Q+ A* F6 _5 _: H7 y0 L
The winger has two years remainingon his contract and, a few months ago,was unsure whether he would prosperunder the Portuguese.
, m9 b$ e/ g" X, QRobben believed he was considered“soft” by Mourinho after a series ofinjuries disrupted his Chelsea careerand knew he had been unavailable toooften for the manager’s liking.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 Z# C5 p+ e; b: l. m/ M9 P
Their relationship was very cold butit has thawed considerably after theHolland international played whennot fully fit in recent big games.1 m. K  U7 s! L% k( K' ?( R- [
He has been repeatedly praised as“brave” by Mourinho since playingat Liverpool in the Champions Leaguesemi-final three weeks ago andappearing against Manchester Unitedin Chelsea’s 1-0 FA Cup Final victoryon Saturday.公仔箱論壇; c! D2 K' _  ~$ v: I
Robben is still recovering from aknee injury but showed the characterand approach required and wasgreeted with hugs from his boss.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb6 V; k2 w8 {9 @9 g- z. |
Mourinho said: “What Robben did forme was brilliant. His attitude wasbrilliant, giving his help and playingmore than I could wish.”公仔箱論壇* [& Y" ^# ?3 F0 q
This has given the winger confidencein his Chelsea future and, aftermarrying his school sweetheartBernadien Elliert on 9 June in Holland,he expects to finalise a new contract.公仔箱論壇( Y" |& h& i4 s; M
The head coach is still enduringspeculation about his future after adifficult season and appears to havebeen granted a stay of executionbecause of a lack of viablealternatives.os.tvboxnow.com" \% H5 N. c1 [0 A* M
But, after claiming a cup double, thePortuguese is brimming withconfidence. He said: “I carry on. It iswhat I want, what the club wants,what the players want, what the publicwant and it is what the fans of theother clubs do not want. I am going tostay.”TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。" _8 b7 o+ \) W, j7 `
Mourinho will assemble his squad inAmerica on 9 July and is hoping JoeCole returns fully fit. The 25-year-oldis close to being 100 per cent againafter a season dogged by injuries to hisknee and foot and hopes to face Brazilin a friendly at the new Wembley on1 June, followed by Estonia in a Euro2008 qualifying match five days later.
& }1 I. K- |/ q$ lCole said: “It is not so much fitness,it is just a case of getting my bodyright. I’ve got enough to play thesetwo games for England, have a break,keep ticking over and get my bodyright. I just want to go out there andplay for England now.”
3 v. {) V3 s& D- dChelsea striker Andriy Shevchenkoand former Tottenham and West Hamforward Sergei Rebrov have beenomitted from Ukraine’s squad to playthe Euro 2008 qualifier against France.
; M5 _0 [9 ~  Y3 I8 l) KCoach Oleg Blokhin left out the pairafter they were injured in recentweeks. Owen Hargreaves, meanwhile,expects his £17million move toManchester United to be completedby the end of the week.
% Q. S$ Z) r& a$ s+ W+ i- @7 l! \Bayern Munich have confirmedHargreaves is leaving. The midfielderwas due to feature for England Bagainst Albania at Burnley on Fridaybut coach Steve McClaren is nowexpected to rest him so he is availablefor next week’s friendly with Braziland the key Euro 2008 qualifier withEstonia.
( ?0 R7 a3 Y; `) O4 L- |* M公仔箱論壇Such a move would leave Hargreavesfree to complete the final stages ofhis United move and the playerconfirmed further details should beknown by the end of the week. 6 J9 ?8 f# V) z
“It hasbeen one of the longest transfersagas,” he said. “I am sure this weekwe’ll hear some new information.”
4 ~5 f, o/ E: z' _. N公仔箱論壇With Ferguson due to watch theChampions League Final between ACMilan and Liverpool in Athenstomorrow and chief executive DavidGill heading out to Malaysia in anattempt to smooth the anger whicherupted over United’s summer tour, thedeal may not actually be concludeduntil the end of the week.
# i$ L9 l, d( |! N公仔箱論壇But, having identified Hargreavesas one of the key new signings, ofwhich there are expected to be two orthree more to take the club forwardfollowing their Premiership titletriumph this term, the United bosswill eventually tie up the Calgarybornplayer on a four or five-year deal.
+ ?! ^/ K3 i& o9 d1 }4 ?os.tvboxnow.comos.tvboxnow.com+ \. ?# c7 Y6 V  h1 F" ]
[ 本帖最後由 ukfrancisxavier 於 2007-5-22 02:59 PM 編輯 ]