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thanks for your sharing~!!
I heard that this show is very popular! Sure hope this is good. Thanks!
thank you for sharing
thank you for sharing
都幾好看的劇集呢, 值得要支持一下呢, 謝大大分享.
終於演完了~/ s2 g; N7 c" G7 [

( `- G, l6 ?  x" p. e! K雖然中間很扯...
3 [  o; ?( B# n' N公仔箱論壇公仔箱論壇- [* b3 d6 w+ y, a; D1 c
但是還是看完了>"<公仔箱論壇  Y4 G3 J9 d4 u( u
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# V/ i; j' G) M) t
thank you for sharing
Thanks for sharing
thx for sharing
thanks for sharing the last episode!
thank you very much
Thank you kindly for sharing.
I appreciate your posting the new episode of this great drama.