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原帖由 cammy8080 於 9/9/2008 16:24 發表

cammy~ i'm back....... ...........no one at your family post now....hard to rob myself...................
rob QQ's first
左看看, 右看看, 看來看去看不清~~暈!
原帖由 sweet_cherie 於 9/9/2008 16:29 發表
rob QQ's first
....i'm v. sleepy la ~~ go to bed sin~~ rob tmr....if the prize wait me.....
ok, jj, sweet dream~
左看看, 右看看, 看來看去看不清~~暈!
hihi~ morning~~ pls read the heading of my post~~
原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-9-10 12:22 AM 發表
hihi~ morning~~ pls read the heading of my post~~
when ? now stock close 2moro i sell in one time right
原帖由 qqbubu 於 10/9/2008 00:24 發表

when ? now stock close 2moro i sell in one time right
to there and take  a look la~

原帖由 wongjj 於 2008-9-9 08:52 發表


would u be our member?! here lot's of pretty girl....wor~~~
What member ?
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 boy12 於 10/9/2008 02:26 發表

What member ?
hey~ boyboy~~

will u come tonite?!

i told my fd u r rich & handsome last nite ......u may check in previous pages......she wants to meet u ar

回應 wongjj 第 3946 篇文章

I will be here on and off today, who wants to meet me la ?
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~
原帖由 vwwo 於 2008-9-10 03:40 AM 發表
靚姊, 你好! 我同你都有d熟喎!
原帖由 manyiu 於 2008-9-10 03:50 AM 發表

靚姊, 你好! 我同你都有d熟喎!
原帖由 vwwo 於 2008-9-10 03:40 發表
有DD熟 ga !!
But know you for a lot longer !!
~ boyboy 俱乐部 ~