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 ,  描述: 灌水者扣20分一個post!!
請提供意見:tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb( M3 O, s2 |5 r+ ^0 e

# R) {/ w- u1 s" \1.呢排唔知fs2you整server
( ]8 d9 Z" \% ^9 C公仔箱論壇成日ul唔到上去tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 R+ a9 \! R! G/ G. M$ K+ M
咁轉去邊個site ul俾您地好呢?tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb% o& c. b  u' k) Q9 N7 H# M/ D

- g* ~5 ~3 L' J) K9 m公仔箱論壇2.mediafire唔知做咩無lala唔support有password o既rar filetvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 |5 x" y* P! Z, Q. e: o1 q) ?
咁轉去邊條link好呢?; m1 J+ q2 g$ u( A, k
唔好叫我唔set password呢d廢話, 講左實扣您分!
. I. z/ d. {+ g* y3 btvb now,tvbnow,bttvb ' f) P( E' e9 b% A+ K& C8 K
join me:
可以用 http://www.namipan.com/index.php 代替 fs2you公仔箱論壇& h8 `' R& S" r- ?( F7 x8 r0 ]
; l7 B1 V: b+ D3 o2 x
我 give up 用 mediafire 幾日 la...用 filefront 又自已 reset... 所以我D post 得返3條link... how about savefile and megaupload ?
5 Y% Z6 h6 E4 T3 h! Z& Z% ^; G7 l
7 R8 ]9 o6 f6 |5 Z: N) d0 v& i公仔箱論壇[ 本帖最後由 heiter89 於 2008-6-17 06:46 PM 編輯 ]
mediafire has been causing trouble for me too... so many times it stucked at 'verifying.....' and sometimes the file just disappeared...公仔箱論壇! H: u. b3 z7 T. J  G& D4 o
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: Y# I, O3 |  R9 G; o. ~
how about sendspace? i havent used it for a while...
原帖由 ice_cap 於 2008-6-17 10:04 PM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb& K+ q. j& @% i/ @
mediafire has been causing trouble for me too... so many times it stucked at 'verifying.....' and sometimes the file just disappeared...
* f! C9 v, r: D" a8 Z" f$ G公仔箱論壇5 E* l; s: x' l; V3 G) k6 R
how about sendspace? i havent used it for a while...
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb) J8 R4 R+ }, W- V" E

6 i/ P& p) `2 ~6 Ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvbI use sendspace everyday, ok ga...
( v0 m) y, U. V: _$ ^) t2 @tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb等FS2YOU好返前(雖然最近成日上唔到)...tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* z- e! p7 v" r9 u% I, z
可以up住 http://www.namipan.com/index.php
' ?- u  f( M9 x8 X' V* }, A) Jtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb因為好似內地得...
& V& p! I. P: Ios.tvboxnow.com
8 a* G. C! ~* u& |公仔箱論壇自己會加sendspace & megaupload ....

原帖由 heiter89 於 2008-6-17 10:09 AM 發表 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ o! A7 K4 ^5 i4 e' ^( }

2 J* n* ]7 l' j
- B$ P5 }( _' y' P- zTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。I use sendspace everyday, ok ga...
os.tvboxnow.com$ g, {' C* J8 F4 b3 f2 W3 h# j: [

) Q7 _2 \6 [2 i2 }5 monly bad thing about them is the link will be removed after inactive for a while... other than that, its working pretty well for me too
我總算上返嚟喇,好掛住TVB NOW啊...9 P) ?9 s/ V6 \, T
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ V, _, c4 X; I+ {* p6 X0 X  I
我最近搵到只幾好的下載工具--freegrab,一會發個帖子介紹下...8 s# a& X% q2 a- \9 ~6 F3 |

3 d+ [3 B# Z% b2 [" H1 G) uos.tvboxnow.com對zshare.net和sendspace.com都支持得幾好,所以暫時冇意見...
7 I8 B6 Z, \8 |  S+ ^8 o& W) |- T4 t" {/ ]& z
我覺得其實三四絛 links 巳經幾OK (好易滿足):onion18: ,TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。$ l7 B7 P4 c& F; x( S6 A! J% u
建議用番 fs2you 如果 ul唔到, 可以轉用filefront, zshare, megaupload, sendspace, rapidshare................................tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb1 H1 y+ G5 X" n# g" D& H
或者用tvbnow 既 FTP ?