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[時事討論] 林行止:日進斗金危機隱伏

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8 j1 k5 i# r8 @' l' Z/ Z5 mtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb一、非念經濟學的「資深」讀者,從讀本欄也許對已故美國經濟學家明斯基(H. Minsky, 1919-1996)這位後凱恩斯學派重鎮的理論有點印象,以筆者從二○○七年(是年便有兩篇與他有關的評論〈龐茲貸款者充斥信貸市場危機近〉及〈都是格林斯平惹的禍!〉,分別收在《次按驟變》及《鏡花水月》兩書)便多次在這裡評介他的學說,翻看二○○七年拙文,均道出信貸市場危機四伏(那非筆者創見,只是及時反映英美保守論者的看法),果不其然,翌年便有因華爾街大行破產引爆的「金融海嘯(危機)」!TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。+ i& r# H# }, [2 U, l

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0 D: \  u7 r* r1 Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb現在再提明斯基,皆因見一則去年華爾街銀行家花紅總額比全美賺取最低工資(平均時薪七元二角五仙〔美元.下同〕)的百余萬全職(每周工作三十五小時)員工總入息還多出近倍的新聞而「有感」﹔三月中旬的消息顯示,二○一三年美國銀行家的花紅共達二百六十七億元,一百零八萬五千余名全職最低工資工人在二○一二年(二○一三年統計未出)的收入總和僅一百五十一億元!( i/ k: D4 N4 ]8 B; h3 c
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能者多得,是資本主義社會的「核心價值」,銀行家做大「刁」(交易)、效益高,不僅為股東創造厚利,且可帶動經濟繁榮、創造就業,論功行賞,他們的回報自然比領取最低工資的非技術性工人高出百千倍。向來服膺「能者多得」原則的筆者,對此並無異議,惟想起明斯基的理論,有幾句話可說。) Z$ i$ Y/ x, C% {* [' M
公仔箱論壇1 p+ A$ o5 N. g  B/ M- x; t! P" S

2 v- {# |: B: Dtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
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明斯基於一九九二年五月發表的論文〈金融波動假說〉(The Financial Instability Hypothesis),指出銀行家、投機者和其他以「財技」牟利的人,同時扮演著縱火者的角色。受優厚物質報酬的誘惑,這些「才俊」在金融市場上不顧後果、設計種種損人利己的所謂金融衍生工具,欺詐性地掠取、吞噬客戶的資金,其自肥傷投資者和客戶的後遺症,大都以令整體經濟陷入火海收場!換句話說,金融市場給予這批市場炒家過分優厚報酬,物質誘因令他們絞盡腦汁,設計出種種高風險甚至小投資者注定吃虧的「衍生工具」﹔「交易」完成,「銀行家」花紅落袋,但稍後金融市場失火,則要以納稅人的錢善後……。公仔箱論壇: o5 s  J6 [: ]7 J+ ^

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TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 F8 f  w0 R% M; o' Z
歷任美國名校教授且兼任總部設於聖路易斯市的馬克吐溫銀行董事的明斯基,是少數透徹理解銀行運作的經濟學家,亦因此看穿其中黑幕和風險。在明斯基理論架構中,形成「信貸循環」的五個步驟為不負責的放款(信貸泛濫)、虛火上升的經濟興旺、市場人士相信大市只會上升不會下跌(業余炒家即股蟻爭相傾囊入市)、參與其間的投機者大發其財(「醒目錢早一步出貨」,創造、撮合「交易」的銀行家日進斗金),而最後莫不以市場如捲入火海、「投資者」恐慌性拋售導致暴瀉收場。# J& @3 u0 A3 s
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二、當前的「信貸循環」始於二○○三年,是年聯儲局主席格林斯平為刺激因科網泡沫爆破而陷入衰退的經濟,人為地壓低利率,哪知外資尤其是中國資金反其道而行,不僅未從美國市場抽離,反而大量涌入(吸購美國政府債券以阻遏人民幣升值)。市場「頭寸」泛濫,利率下挫,物業按揭利率創歷史性新低,終於釀成比科網潮還大的泡沫﹔在這種熱火朝天的投機氣氛下,「銀行家」為「分散風險」,看中市場對股票需求甚殷,遂把物業按揭証券化。這種做法,一方面令銀行有辦法繼續對可能無法還(供)款亦即根本買不起物業的置業者貸款﹔一方面銀行把信貸風險轉嫁給炒賣物業按揭証券的股民!二○○六年中,「知道危險」的「銀行家」拋售清倉獲利,至二○○八年中,走避不及的對沖基金周轉不靈而破產……。挽救此殘局的板斧不外把利率減至近零,因為到處都見「銀主盤」,意味已進入「買家市場」而與之同步下降的是物業價格……。非常明顯,因為過度信貸而飆升的市場,下挫的程度相應嚴重。換句話說,投機者受升市之愚(看勁升的走勢,以為大市不會掉頭下跌)而過分借貸入市的結果是虧蝕離場,進而令金融市場不穩定。事實上,「信貸循環」都有「明斯基循環」的陰影,此循環的「起步」是對沖基金(翻雲覆雨、投機倒把)入市,大市牛氣沖天,投機散戶盲目跟進,接下來的是類以「龐茲騙局」的「必贏」貼士滿天飛,刺激更多股蟻不顧「家」借貸投入,至此,「下降循環」亦即「明斯基時刻」 悄悄掩至!債權人此刻的「必殺技」是「落雨收傘」,債務人被迫不問價位拋售,結果令市場(任何有報價商品如股票等)一泄如注。這一刻,經濟學家稱之為「明斯基時刻」(Minsky Moment,為時任Pimco執行董事的經濟學家麥考利〔P. McCulley〕的用語)。
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4 L* m& s! T7 {5 D如何才能避免「明斯基時刻」出現?明斯基指出,最有效的辦法莫如政府「及時干預和促使金融機構結構重組」,這樣做的目的當在盡量避免「過度信貸」,令金融市場不致大幅波動進而使「經濟平穩發展」,那意味有關當局,若不及未雨綢繆,亦該在風暴過後對金融業進行重整和重組﹔而「釜底抽薪」的方法為限制銀行給其決策層員工發放巨額花紅(獎金),因為他們是不負責任(甚且不懷好心)地設計那些極度高風險衍生投機工具的「原凶」。明斯基指出,經濟不斷「進化」(evolve),經濟(金融)政策亦須與時俱進,同步完善化。
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# l3 }4 t7 R2 l$ j, f& atvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

7 t" I; J* l. F8 f8 R" H公仔箱論壇根據數據數據判斷後市的專家,現在大都相信經過數年的「過度信貸」,「中國將面對新一輪違約風險」,這意味「明斯基循環」見頂,而「明斯基時刻」已在眼前。筆者深信這種看法﹔不過,大家不可忘記內地市場仍以「國企」即國家政策為主導,為了配合政策、為了不使當權者難堪,手握全國財經命脈的有關當局,肯定調整財金策略使難關輕渡。以資本主義市場的邏輯、想法,猜度內地市場去向,若不把國家有權決定市場(並非利伯維爾場)去從的權力一並考慮,便很易「測不准」!內地市場運作表面看與利伯維爾場無異,但推動內地市場的不是「無形之手」,而是中央在現階段仍強有力之手。任何以自由經濟理論套入內地市場的預測,都不易測得准的。
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本帖最後由 felicity2010 於 2014-4-4 07:54 AM 編輯 公仔箱論壇, Z, n' v* Y0 R" j& w4 e
1 r. n8 `* O# c2 t( O$ v6 b2 m
Joseph E. Stiglitz: Reforming China’s State-Market BalanceTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。9 o/ q) I, X+ n2 r

2 r( _- r( S1 r# K/ R! `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb

8 o. x( j! |3 D$ f1 |7 z" O$ ^公仔箱論壇BEIJING – No country in recorded history has grown as fast – and moved as many people out of poverty – as China over the last thirty years. A hallmark of China’s success has been its leaders’ willingness to revise the country’s economic model when and as needed, despite opposition from powerful vested interests. And now, as China implements another series of fundamental reforms, such interests are already lining up to resist.Can the reformers triumph again?TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 Q4 [: L& f! [, m3 Z- N
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In answering that question, the crucial point to bear in mind is that, as in the past, the current round of reforms will restructure not only the economy, but also the vested interests that will shape future reforms (and even determine whether they are possible). And today, while high-profile initiatives – for example, the government’s widening anti-corruption campaign – receive much attention, the deeper issue that China faces concerns the appropriate roles of the state and the market.
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When China began its reforms more than three decades ago, the direction was clear: the market needed to play a far greater role in resource allocation. And so it has, with the private sector far more important now than it was. Moreover, there is a broad consensus that the market needs to play what officials call a “decisive role” in many sectors where state-owned enterprises (SOEs) dominate. But what should its role be in other sectors, and in the economy more generally?. x+ O3 P( c: ]' L9 U0 s

7 H, Y+ L' G  Z. S/ z# Wos.tvboxnow.comMany of China’s problems today stem from too much market and too little government. Or, to put it another way, while the government is clearly doing some things that it should not, it is also not doing some things that it should.
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Worsening environmental pollution, for example, threatens living standards, while inequality of income and wealth now rivals that of the United States and corruption pervades public institutions and the private sector alike. All of this undermines trust within society and in government – a trend that is particularly obvious with respect to, say, food safety.公仔箱論壇1 ]! j$ y! m0 t
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Such problems could worsen as China restructures its economy away from export-led growth toward services and household consumption. Clearly, there is room for growth in private consumption; but embracing America’s profligate materialist life-style would be a disaster for China – and the planet. Air quality in China is already putting peoples’ lives at risk; global warming from even higher Chinese carbon emissions would threaten the entire world.
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There is a better strategy. For starters,Chinese living standards could and would increase if more resources were allocated to redress large deficiencies in health care and education. Here,government should play a leading role, and does so in most market economies, for good reason.公仔箱論壇, I  C; p9 B& Y3 p% A: F4 ]4 B" j" `; n

, ^: w& v4 N# S# uTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。America’s privately-based health-care system is expensive, inefficient, and achieves far worse outcomes than those in European countries, which spend far less. A more market-based system is not the direction in which China should be going. In recent years, the government hasmade important strides in providing basic health care,especially in rural areas, and some have likened China’s approach to that of the United Kingdom, where private provision is layered atop a public base.Whether that model is better than, say, French-style government-dominated provision may be debated. But if one adopts the UK model, the level of the base makes all the difference; given the relatively small role of private health-care provision in the UK, the country has what is essentially a public system.os.tvboxnow.com8 }# R5 Z3 V1 F( ~
公仔箱論壇. ~. ^8 T7 S" ]5 G: v
Likewise, though China has already made progress in moving away from manufacturing toward a service-based economy (the GDP share of services exceeded that of manufacturing for the first time in2013), there is still a long way to go. Already, many industries are suffering from overcapacity, and efficient and smooth restructuring will not be easy without government help.
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8 M( x) Y6 ^; ^$ S* a' ]% h0 u公仔箱論壇China is restructuring in another way: rapid urbanization. Ensuring that cities are livable and environmentally sustainable will require strong government action to provide sufficient public transport, public schools, public hospitals, parks, and effective zoning, among other public goods.os.tvboxnow.com5 m, G9 \% s& X1 s
One major lesson that should have been learned from the post-2008 global economic crisis is that markets are not self-regulating. They are prone to asset and credit bubbles, which inevitably collapse – often when cross-border capital flows abruptly reverse direction –imposing massive social costs.# e% b4 V1 p; N! i7 z+ y0 A- T1 y; \' z
公仔箱論壇4 u' d( D! c( t5 v. E0 D0 J
America’s infatuation with deregulation was the cause of the crisis. The issue is not just the pacing and sequencing of liberalization, as some suggest; the end result also matters. Liberalization of deposit rates led to America’s savings and loan crisis in the 1980’s.Liberalization of lending rates encouraged predatory behavior that exploited poor consumers. Bank deregulation led not to more growth, but simply to more risk.
! f4 `  E: Q% M- C  L& nChina, one hopes, will not take the route that America followed, with such disastrous consequences. The challenge for its leaders is to devise effective regulatory regimes that are appropriate for its stage of development.
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" k$ Z( g- d; t  j# E% ?: e0 j! l公仔箱論壇That will require the government to raise more money. Local governments’ current reliance on land sales is a source of many of the economy’s distortions – and much of the corruption. Instead, the authorities should boost revenue by imposing environmental taxes (including a carbon tax), a more comprehensive progressive income tax (including capital gains), and a property tax. Moreover, the state should appropriate, through dividends, a larger share of SOEs’ value (some of which might be at the expense of these firms’ managers.)公仔箱論壇$ c/ a/ A& l# k- m
TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。: P$ a. v* a/ x- F6 S6 \
The question is whether China can maintain rapid growth (though somewhat slower than its recent breakneck pace), even as it reins in credit expansion (which could cause an abrupt reversal in asset prices), confronts weak global demand, restructures its economy, and fights corruption. In other countries, such daunting challenges have led to paralysis,not progress.os.tvboxnow.com/ A! Z/ P- j: X% ~' e: z3 x

' J2 u- T& u, Q/ q5 `tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThe economics of success is clear: higher spending on urbanization, health care, and education, funded by increases in taxes, could simultaneously sustain growth, improve the environment, and reduce inequality. If China’s politics can manage the implementation of this agenda,China and the entire world will be better off.os.tvboxnow.com5 @$ N* b& h- s# h! v! a( U
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丘亦生: 注的疑惑  ]( o4 L5 q1 d9 q1 _

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- ]; f7 m+ L1 gTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。中信集團千億注資交易,阿里買殻停不了,忽然間注資概念又成為一個可供炒作的理由。留意,我說的是注資概念,不是注資,兩者有分別,不要搞錯。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ h9 G  L# s: w0 e$ @) \

: q, t+ X4 p5 }. M- C  i注資概念重新抬頭,背後有兩個因素,其一自然是新經濟股熱炒,阿里巴巴一邊瘋狂收購,一邊瘋狂買殻,一手貨,一手殻,自然惹來憧憬,所以市場不理三七廿一,篤信馬雲得殻有所用,會把值錢資產注入。
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另一個因素,叫國企改革,由中信集團扯頭纜,宣布把所有資產注入中信泰富(0267),引發市場開始預期其他紅籌央企也會有注資一著,地方政府亦推波助瀾,大談要提高國有資產的上市率,意味要把大量資產推上市。可以預見,未來好一段時間,市場仍會圍著注資概念團團轉。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb; S9 [: a; [/ E$ N( n% {
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本來,大股東注資時常有,是好是壞,要看作價及與現有業務是否配合,所以注資本身是否有得炒,很在乎作價。當然,注資交易很蝦人,大股東揀一些資產注入公司,是關連交易,當中存在嚴重的訊息不對稱,獲注資產的價值及潛力,只有大股東最清楚,有何誘因以低價注入,袋錢入小股東的口袋,我一直都想不明白。) R" z7 p; n# ^8 c* F
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有說,這些資產過去在舊體制下營運,很多是低效及閒置的,一旦注入上市公司,便會引入現代管理及股東回報的概念,效率可望提升,故此增值的空間很大。不過,看看過去一些連番注資的股份表現,如上實(0363)、北控(0392)等多年的回報,渾不覺這些資產獲放入上市公司,能釋放多少戰鬥力。tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb4 @( @3 W9 t8 p
公仔箱論壇' b2 r1 c6 W+ I
以上種種,只是注資交易的衡量因素,並不適用於注資概念,叫得概念,是連注資交易是否實現,或者作價是否划算,都未見端倪,便在一股樂觀的正能量驅使下,作出追捧的決定。公仔箱論壇* A% s  G* R: q) S! S

' C4 \5 w* Z9 E9 _! t) B公仔箱論壇要數港股歷來最誇張的炒作注資概念時期,當然是九七前的紅籌熱,當時任何一家三四線股傳出被紅籌企業收購,股價均像阿里殻股般逾倍飛升,紅籌分析員極之渴市,有人可以一年內年薪升3倍。紅籌股股價去到高峰時,反映了市場預期今後幾十年都要有注資來維持增長,方可能支持這水平的溢價。
# p5 F: @* s% G6 |
. \) K" C6 s1 d8 U! X9 h. X8 }tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb結果,金融大鱷老虎基金的分析員,便是肯肯定紅籌注資的泡沫會爆破,更到內地考察一些股份的資產,他們到了一家船廠,發現船是生鏽的,工人又遊手好閒,於是一錘定音,大舉沽空紅籌股、期指,最後越玩越大,甚至沽空港元。後事如何,都是歷史了。
7 ?- Q( y4 k, X, g$ S; z公仔箱論壇

4 e2 `1 E' H) {! v" Z& K9 E公仔箱論壇不知是否QE正在煞車的關係,現時市場似乎還未沖昏頭腦,中信的注資固然未算炒味濃,連阿里巴巴的最新玩具,炒家都開始唔buy,我更聽聞有基金,在研究是否借這些央企注資的消息,sell on fact 沽空,市場畢竟會學乖。
4 x+ K/ W- W; Q# v3 C# p8 Ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb# q5 q$ O8 T. l5 W# L$ \: e